Couch to 5K! Really?!?! Really!!!!!!!



  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    jezzie4ever your Probably right about the water I haven't been faithful... I'll keep it in mind today GREAT JOB !!! moving Past you GOAL!!!
    ( although it feels more sinuis today) Yuck....think i'm going to skip the run.... May bike later...

    Happy Sunday to U all!!
  • kendrara
    kendrara Posts: 28
    C25k is my exorcize regime right now. I follow this c25k program
    Im on week 6, and I just finished run 1 of this week. It is awesome to see my progress since week 1.

    To answer the QA
    1. where? ---I run on the treadmill in the gym room of my apartment (no AC its awful lol)
    2. when?--I generally like to run in the afternoon, but have adjusted it to work around my job
    3.what on days off? -- I tend to cool my heels on my days off. I have started some mild weight training
    4. Why?--I'm out of shape and need to work on stamina and cardio.
    5.the runners high?....hmm is that when after i stop running and cool down im suddenly full of energy again? i feel super stoked after and generally in a better all around mood...if so yes :)

    I live in a very hilly area where in a few months it will be snowing so treadmill for me ( I bring a book and an ipod). my goal is to keep this up and when my stamina increases I will increase the intensity.
  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning!!! Just finished W5D1. I had planned to return to W4 this week, but decided to give it the old college try. I made it. W5D2 looks a little a scary. Running for 8 minutes is a far cry from 5 minute runs, which I thought were plenty tough.

    It is good to see others joining our group. Everyone please keep posting because it is an encouragement to know that there are others who are working hard to get their fitness on track.

    Hope everyone has a good week. Good running!
  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    1. Where do you run?
    2. What time of day do you run?
    3. Do you do other activities on your off days? What?
    4. Why are you doing C25K?
    5. Are you starting to feel the "runner's high"?

    I have never answered these questions. So here goes.

    1. I live in a small town called Byng. Yes, that is not a typo. The school campus covers quite a bit of area and the drive has long hills that are not particularly steep except when you are running up them.

    2. I leave the house by 5:30 a.m. except Saturday, which is 6:30 a.m.

    3. I walk T-Th-Sat for at least 30 minutes at a 4mph pace. Sunday is my off day.

    4. I want to get fit and lose inches if not weight. Also, each year we hike a mountain in NM called Hermit's Peak that is 5 miles up hill the whole way. The last several years it has whipped me. This next year I am going to whip it. One last thing is that I want to run a 5K with my 20 year-old son, of whom I love and am very proud. My other two kids are just as great, and I hope to do the same with them some day.

    5. I don't know about the "runner's high," but I look forward to running or walking each morning.
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    OK I signed up for a 5 K with my church,, I know I can do IT I did one last Year with a finish time of 40.05 ... My goal would be to beat that time... ANY One In SO Maine want to join? Message me!!
    Fast walked 20 ran 15 Today.... Sinuses are Bothering me..... But after that work out they are RUNNING!!!!

    drhendrics11 you will Can get THERE!!!! Just pace yourself..slow and steady!!

    Happy Monday!!!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Hi I started the C25K on Saturday and D2 is today.

    Im 120kg (~260lb) and aiming for 85kg (~190).

    Found first day more difficult than i though as iv been on exercise bike almost ever day for last 3 weeks and thought it would sit me in good stead, i suppose i need to learn to pace myself and alot of different muscles are used to biking iv found lol.

    Still feeeling them muscles from Saturday but still did my biking and weight training yesterday although not as intensely as i dont want to burn out.

    I used to be a really intese swimmer, and hope to take that back up too for cadio and fitness reasons! rally missed my swimmig this past year or so!

    Really looking forward to D2 od C25K and the rest of this training routine! Want to compete in next years Great North run and maybe even London Marathon 2013: Thats my true goal!
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    is anyone reading Run r Butt of ? tell me what you think if IT?
  • I ran the full 20 minutes today. I couldn't quite believe it! It wasn't even difficult, ugh, I'm so proud of myself today :D.
  • annied16
    annied16 Posts: 25
    michaelaam18 that's fantastic!!!! well done!!!

    i've just done w4d1 today and was surprised that i still had more in the tank! maybe will be able to handle the 8 min at the start of next week but PETRIFIED about the 20 min!
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    I ran the full 20 minutes today. I couldn't quite believe it! It wasn't even difficult, ugh, I'm so proud of myself today :D.

    WAY TO GO!!!! it feels Awesome I know!! Good for you.....

    No run today Sinuses are Kicking my butt....

    Have a Terrific Tuesday!!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I did W4D2 last night. It's my second attempt at W4, because I was on holiday last week and only got 2 runs in, so I thought I'd start again.

    I live in the Highlands of Scotland, surrounded by really steep hills, so it's quite hard going here. Last night, though, I managed all four running stages, and even managed to pick up the pace for the final minute. Usually by that point I'm stumbling along, wishing I was dead.

    It really amazes me to think that just a month or so ago I was almost throwing up at the 60 second runs. Now I'm doing five minute runs with a little bit left in the tank. Roll on next week!

    I'm aiming to get down to 215lbs, so just under 30lbs to lose now. I'm six feet four inches and broad built, so 215 is about a healthy weight for me, I figure.

    That sounds about like me... The first time I did the 60 second runs I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

    I put it on hold for awhile and have just been adding in a little bit of jogging in my walks. I can tell a difference from that already!
  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    Good morning! I made it through W5D2; however, I will be doing that one over. Toward the end buzzards were circling over head. I don't if I looked like I was dead or if I looked like I was dying. Either one is not good. Seriously, I need to run this day over at least one more time, if not two more times.

    Got compliments this weekend and on Monday. Three people asked me if I was losing weight. I have hit a long plateau, which just so happens to be at the beginning of my diet. This really encouraged me. Between that and making it through today although I struggled, I feel good about things.

    I hope each of you get an unexpected encouraging word today. Good running!!!
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    On w2d2 today and really enjoying it! I was never a very good runner and I smoke but I can feel myself getting fitter because I'm out walking the days I'm not running
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    1. Where do you run? On my treadmill in my house. I like it because I'm working on speed and I know exactly how fast I'm going.

    2. What time of day do you run? I prefer mid-mornings.

    3. Do you do other activities on your off days? What? I do Zumba, light weights and polymetrics.

    4. Why are you doing C25K? I did a 1/2 marathon this past December, but only averaged 14 min miles. To do a full marathon in a realistic time I need to be able to do 10 min miles, so I'm using C25K as a speed training tool. I'm doing all of my run intervals at the 10 min/mile pace.

    5. Are you starting to feel the "runner's high"? The closest that I've ever come to a runner's high is the feeling 1/2 way through a run that you could just keep going forever. And then my body catches up with my mind and says, "Uh, heck no!" :laugh:

    I'm doing W2D2 today. The 10 min/mile pace is killer when the fastest I've ever really gone before starting this program is 12 min/miles. I would love to be able to do a full marathon next year, but even at a 10 min/mile pace, I'd be out there for over 4 hours which is a long time for your body to be running I think.

    I also know from my own experience that I run faster on the street than I do on the treadmill. So I'm hopeful that if I train myself up to a 10 min/mile on the treadmill that when I start training on the road, I'll be at a faster time than that. :smile: But no outside training until it starts to cool off a bit! 110+ heat index is too hot to do much of anything in, let along run! :laugh:
  • Thanks everyone :).

    I did week 6 run 1 today and I actually found it tougher than the 20 minute run. I'm assuming it's because the first 8-10 minutes of a run are the worst bits, so I was never getting into the zone properly? Hopefully the next run will be better!
  • annied16
    annied16 Posts: 25
    i just did my w4d3 today and am really annoyed at myself. i've been doing it on the treadmill and increasing the intensity throughout the week (10, 11, 12 km/h) and I just gave up half way through the last bit of running tonight! ARGH! i'm not sure whether i should repeat the week or if i should just try and fit in another run on the treadmill on my busy weekend (have state champs for softball so pretty busy) before next week. any suggestions??
  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    i just did my w4d3 today and am really annoyed at myself. i've been doing it on the treadmill and increasing the intensity throughout the week (10, 11, 12 km/h) and I just gave up half way through the last bit of running tonight! ARGH! i'm not sure whether i should repeat the week or if i should just try and fit in another run on the treadmill on my busy weekend (have state champs for softball so pretty busy) before next week. any suggestions??

    annied16, I have had better luck at repeating a week than pressing on. You might give yourself the weekend to regroup, since you have quite a bit going on. It is frustrating to feel like you are going backward, but it seems to me like the next week that I come back stronger.

    I have had to pause my running for a few days because of plantar fascitis. After running Wednesday, W5D2, I could not hardly walk through the rest of the day, and I was attending a conference where I had to do plenty of walking. So I am going to rerun W4 beginning on Monday because I know that I will have lost some ground. Keep us updated on how you are doing and I will do the same.

    Good running!
  • I finished week 6 today and would now like to call myself a runner! I couldn't believe I'd ran for 25 minutes without stopping!!
  • Fawnie
    Fawnie Posts: 67 Member
    fogot to update
    yesterday completed: w3d2
    i was really feeling the burn :\
  • I just started the program as well!

    Have to admit the first day kicked my butt but hoping that it will get better as I progress.
