
I like to snack a lot and I snack on fruit a lot but I'm kinda wanting to change things up a little bit. Any ideas of low calorie snacks I can have?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    What do you like? eat that. If it's too many calories, eat half.
  • codystar
    codystar Posts: 7 Member
    Mashed sweet potatoe or cottage cheese
  • jamesha100
    jamesha100 Posts: 214 Member
    Water based ice lollies are my guilty secret - about 60 calories a pop. Not much nutritional value but they hit the spot. I also like Icelandic Skyr yogurt - lots of protein and low calorie.
  • KarenSmith2018
    KarenSmith2018 Posts: 302 Member
    Veggie sticks have a satisfying crunch. yogurt and fruit, honey, peanut butter. cottage cheese and veggies, cheese strings/babybels, crackers and low fat spread, rice cakes honey and banana, nuts an dried fruit (portion control needed here), protein bars or parts of, root vegetable crisps