I'd love to see what other people are eating!!

I think I need some mfp friends. I've recently upped my intake from 1200 to 1700 as I've stopped losing weight completely for the past year now. I'm going to start lifting as well. The thing is I'm struggling to eat 1700. It feels as though I'm measuring everything wrong, though I don't see how I can because I use the scales for everything. So I think instead of asking others for help the best thing to do would be just to see what other successful people eat. I'm really really stuck and I don't know what I'm doing wrong here.


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Are you avoiding calorie dense foods? (fats, starchy carbs?)
  • MomoOnishi
    MomoOnishi Posts: 9 Member
    I always end up going over my fat intake usually, so I don't think that's the problem. Tbh though at this point I'm not entirely sure what it is I'm doing wrong...
  • SandraNancy
    SandraNancy Posts: 127 Member
    Breakfast is almost always the same: two eggs scrambled with thyme, a scoop of salsa, and 15g of cheddar cheese. Some sort of fruit with it (usually berries or grapes). A Greek yogurt if I'm feeling particularly hungry.

    Lunch is usually leftovers: roast chicken with veggies, roast chicken in a salad, turkey chili, turkey meatballs. Basically something involving 30g of protein and some veggies. I'm all for fats so there's olive oil used on the veggies, full-fat dressing on the salad (and cheese in the salad-- I live for cheese).

    Snack: Usually have a snack around 10 and another around 2, each about 100 calories, usually grapes or a banana or a Greek yogurt.

    Dinner is usually the same things as lunch, only made fresh. Sometimes it'll be venison steak, or fish, or some other sort of protein with (you guessed it) veggies.

    What works for me is emphasizing protein and fats, and having carbs come mainly from veggies and fruits. I save bread/pasta/simple carbs for treats since they are my Kryptonite and tempt me to overdo it. Rarely am I tempted to have second helpings of salad, delicious though it is!

    I've been at 1500 calories and lost 15 lbs in about 12 weeks. I've hit my goal weight so I'm increasing to 1700 calories for the next month or so, then possibly to 1900 after that.

    Hope this helps!
  • MomoOnishi
    MomoOnishi Posts: 9 Member
    This is very helpful thank you! At the moment I don't eat a lot of protein so maybe that's the key. I live with a vegetarian so I don't eat meat too often, most of my protein comes from eggs and dairy. Does anyone mind if I add them as a friend on mfp?
  • staylo1313
    staylo1313 Posts: 47 Member
    I eat very little meat too, and it is hard to get the protein in on some days! Lately I have been eating more meat, but need to cut back again as I feel so much better without it. Feel free to add me.
  • MomoOnishi
    MomoOnishi Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for replying! Yeah I think I'm the same, I could probably be eating more meat than I am doing at the moment though
  • lrob87
    lrob87 Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me. For the last week or so I've been posting pictures of what I eat on here using screenshots of the "see how you eat" app.
  • MomoOnishi
    MomoOnishi Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you! I will! I just feel that if I can see what others are eating I can determine if what I'm eating is normal or not.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    MomoOnishi wrote: »
    I think I need some mfp friends. I've recently upped my intake from 1200 to 1700 as I've stopped losing weight completely for the past year now. I'm going to start lifting as well. The thing is I'm struggling to eat 1700. It feels as though I'm measuring everything wrong, though I don't see how I can because I use the scales for everything. So I think instead of asking others for help the best thing to do would be just to see what other successful people eat. I'm really really stuck and I don't know what I'm doing wrong here.

    You are welcome to add me - I haven't been too active on MFP for the last couple of months, but am now back to tracking my food and working out.

    16 years ago I was 260 lbs, in 2010 I was 175lbs ish and super fit. Now I'm back to 200 and am determined to find my way again.

    I'm not a vegetarian, but I do enjoy lots of meatless meals, or a bit of meat and lots of veggies. Soup is a favorite along with lots of beans.

    My typical? day is Breakfast:oatmeal with raisins & chia seeds, 2% milk or shredded wheat w/fruit. After the gym I either have a couple of eggs w/ veggies if I have them and a small amount of Parmesan cheese or maybe a bowl of homemade soup. Lunch can be a half a sandwich or leftovers or soup. Dinner varies. I make lentils a lot, some tofu. I'm not a fan of salads - but will eat them on occasion.. (I ate them for years in my teens and 20's)

    I found the most success with a high fiber diet - lots of beans, vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and go easy on the booze. I also am most successful when I cook my own meals - going out to dinner is a treat and I usually go overboard.
  • bestmeicanbe1
    bestmeicanbe1 Posts: 160 Member
    I'm a vegetarian. Breakfast depends on my mood more than anything. But I love smoothies the most because most days I don't have time to actually sit at the table and they are healthy and filling
    Lunch I usually eat the same lunch for a week. This week is rice bowls. Rice, black beans, sautéed onion and red pepper, and homemade guacamole. It's so filling!
    If I have a snack before dinner it's always a fruit or vegetable
    Dinner changes daily. Yesterday my family had pizza burgers so I took 2 slices of wheat bread put pizza sauce on it with mozzarella cheese, red onion and tomato. And I had broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, zucchini and squash on the side.
    Snack this week is homemade protein bars (I workout before bed so I eat these around 7:30-8:00)
  • paulettedg
    paulettedg Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me! I log in every day and my diary is open. I follow a macro diet per my personal trainer. I've lost almost 70 pounds since April 10th. A total of 142pounds since my highest weight. I think having such a big jump from 1200 to 1700 could be your issue with loss stopping. My trainer "walks" my caloric intake up slowly. Adding 100 calories every other week and keeping up on my fitness levels. Lifting makes such a huge impact too!! :)
  • shanteel612
    shanteel612 Posts: 434 Member
    I don't eat meet much either. Lunch is usually a a piece of fruit, whole cucumber, 2 servings of cashews, and 2 pieces of string cheese. Easily a 500 calorie meal.
  • MomoOnishi
    MomoOnishi Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you everyone for your replies!!
    Rice bowls sound like a good idea, also homemade protein bars too! I should also probably walk my calories back up too rather than jumping. All this advice has been great for me, I can't express how thankful I am for replies!
  • PartyKardy
    PartyKardy Posts: 172 Member
    I try to eat as much fresh food as humanly possible haha the more color the better!


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