2700 Calories is totally insane!

Last year at my physical the doc told me I was borderline underweight. I was 131 lbs and 5 ft 11 in. Yesterday I weighed in at 119. Apparently those 12 lbs are a huge deal because he said my BMI was 16.6. He said that he wants to see me in six months and he wants me to be 135 - 140 lbs.

He specifically recommend this app.

So a BMI of 16.6 meant nothing to me. He could've said my BMI was 7 or 20/20. So I Googled it. Apparently Google thinks I'm anorexic. I really am not but this post is going to make it sound like I am in denial or something. Again trust me I'm not.

First of maybe I should explain over the last year and a half a lot has been happening to my life. I was in foster care until my last day of high school in May 2016. Yeah, they try to transfusion you into Independence. And I'm not stupid. I listened to the advice from my social worker. Discussed my options. I was all set to enlist in the Air Force. But I'm color blind and apparently there is absolutely no use in the military for color blind guys like me, so work and trade school it was.

I leave my apartment at 7 AM go to barber school from 8 until 1. Then hustle to work from 2 to 10:30. Unless it's Sat where I don't have school but I still work 12 - 8:39. Unless it's Monday when I'm off work but still have school, unless it's sun when I have neither.

Also my grandmother who raised me until I was 10 died at the end of August and that was a major blow.

In high school I was on cross country and tennis. My schedule doesn't allow a lot of time for running so losing weight was no biggie to me. I was losing muscle. But I wrote an size 26 pants in high school and in wear an size 26b pants now. Okay they're a little loose on me but there not clown pants or anything.

So back to yesterday, 12 lbs apparently is a major deal. But i logged on this app last night and it told me I needed 2700 calories. I had no idea how many calories I was consuming but an adult make consumes 2000 calories. Just don't skip breakfast any more... Which I did maybe 2 time a week and add carbs and a dessert for dinner. That ought to add up to 700 calories, right?

So I added a raisin bagel and cream cheese to breakfast and a half a can of beans and bacon so for lunch and a fruit pie at dinner for dessert.

Yeah I didn't even hit 1900 calories. I'm like 875 short. I guess in was hitting around 1500 cals a day.

So what am I supposed to do? I have to pack two meals available day. I can't afford to eat out very often. I know processed foods aren't the best for me. But I'm stuck with them unless in want to get up at 5 in the morning to cook.

I'm really frustrated. I'm really not anorexic. By the time lunch break fingers at work and school I'm ready to eat. But do and a sandwich for lunch and an microwave entree for dinner and cold cereal for breakfast and I'm good for the next meal. It's not like I'm starving myself. I'm also worried. I remember back in middle School in health when our health teacher who quite honestly looked like it was no problem for him to pack away 2700 cals told us that the human body is not designed to loose weight. It's designed to gain weight and hold it. So if I'm not hungry and eating when I am until I'm not I should be maintaining a normal body weight.

Yeah aging out is stressful and unless you've done it you can't relate, and so is losing the person who raised you. But it's not like I've been so worried I didn't eat.

So I don't know what to do.


  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    There is a list of calorie dense foods I'm sure someone could link you to.
    I know things vary widely from state to state, but in Virginia there is a grant for Foster kids going to community college which covers most expenses and gives 1:1 tutoring. I know you're already involved in a trade program, but I just want you to know there are other options. Visit your local community college and ask about grants/programs specifically for foster kids. Best of luck to you.
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    Last year at my physical the doc told me I was borderline underweight. I was 131 lbs and 5 ft 11 in. Yesterday I weighed in at 119. Apparently those 12 lbs are a huge deal because he said my BMI was 16.6. He said that he wants to see me in six months and he wants me to be 135 - 140 lbs.

    He specifically recommend this app.

    So a BMI of 16.6 meant nothing to me. He could've said my BMI was 7 or 20/20. So I Googled it. Apparently Google thinks I'm anorexic. I really am not but this post is going to make it sound like I am in denial or something. Again trust me I'm not.

    First of maybe I should explain over the last year and a half a lot has been happening to my life. I was in foster care until my last day of high school in May 2016. Yeah, they try to transfusion you into Independence. And I'm not stupid. I listened to the advice from my social worker. Discussed my options. I was all set to enlist in the Air Force. But I'm color blind and apparently there is absolutely no use in the military for color blind guys like me, so work and trade school it was.

    I leave my apartment at 7 AM go to barber school from 8 until 1. Then hustle to work from 2 to 10:30. Unless it's Sat where I don't have school but I still work 12 - 8:39. Unless it's Monday when I'm off work but still have school, unless it's sun when I have neither.

    Also my grandmother who raised me until I was 10 died at the end of August and that was a major blow.

    In high school I was on cross country and tennis. My schedule doesn't allow a lot of time for running so losing weight was no biggie to me. I was losing muscle. But I wrote an size 26 pants in high school and in wear an size 26b pants now. Okay they're a little loose on me but there not clown pants or anything.

    So back to yesterday, 12 lbs apparently is a major deal. But i logged on this app last night and it told me I needed 2700 calories. I had no idea how many calories I was consuming but an adult make consumes 2000 calories. Just don't skip breakfast any more... Which I did maybe 2 time a week and add carbs and a dessert for dinner. That ought to add up to 700 calories, right?

    So I added a raisin bagel and cream cheese to breakfast and a half a can of beans and bacon so for lunch and a fruit pie at dinner for dessert.

    Yeah I didn't even hit 1900 calories. I'm like 875 short. I guess in was hitting around 1500 cals a day.

    So what am I supposed to do? I have to pack two meals available day. I can't afford to eat out very often. I know processed foods aren't the best for me. But I'm stuck with them unless in want to get up at 5 in the morning to cook.

    I'm really frustrated. I'm really not anorexic. By the time lunch break fingers at work and school I'm ready to eat. But do and a sandwich for lunch and an microwave entree for dinner and cold cereal for breakfast and I'm good for the next meal. It's not like I'm starving myself. I'm also worried. I remember back in middle School in health when our health teacher who quite honestly looked like it was no problem for him to pack away 2700 cals told us that the human body is not designed to loose weight. It's designed to gain weight and hold it. So if I'm not hungry and eating when I am until I'm not I should be maintaining a normal body weight.

    Yeah aging out is stressful and unless you've done it you can't relate, and so is losing the person who raised you. But it's not like I've been so worried I didn't eat.

    So I don't know what to do.

    The way this country treats kids who age out of foster care is awful. What kid is really ready at 18 years old to be 100% independent? Are there any transitional housing programs for foster care youth in your area? Years ago when I worked for foster care youth in the Seattle area there were. The programs had rules but they helped with a place to live, food, and planning for the future. You might want to contact the foster care agency that you aged out of and ask, or do a google search for your area. If you already are in a transitional program, my advice would be to focus on getting as much education as you can while you are getting some services. You were dealt a raw deal with not having parents to care for you and help you transition into adulthood. It sucks, but you really need to look at the rest of you life as your plan and being in your control. Unfortunately, you are going to have to take care of yourself. It will be easier if you decide to empower yourself with your own ability to create an amazing future. You have a lot of life ahead of you and I want you to believe that you can make it a wonderful life. You can. You just have to believe it.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Try looking at the list of calorie dense foods ... Ice cream, peanut butter, nuts (all kinds) are a good way to add calories


  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    feel free to look at my diary - I avg 2700 a day (low of 2550 and high of 2950)
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    anxiety/depression can F* with appetite. If that's a possible issue, medication for that could help.
  • AlexDalton1998
    AlexDalton1998 Posts: 19 Member
    Sorry for the loss of your grandmother.

    But me thinks the lady/gentleman protests too much! (too many mentions that you 'are not anorexic') you need to gain weight, eat the calories needed to make that gain happen. Choose calorie dense foods if you are inclined to fill up easily.

    Hi, thanks. I might be anxious as it was explained to me below. I dunno. I meant that I avoid food because I'm worried about being gay or have a poor body image. I eat when I'm hungry. Even as as kid, the social eating want me. Like getting popcorn just because you're at a movie. That wasn't how I rolled.

    But maybe the stress and grief had taken a medical tow on me and decreased my appetite. I don't know. Some days I eat more, some days less.

    Anyway if I can take care of this with diet then I take carre of it without medicating myself I will. The only medication I have in my apartment is a bottle of generic Pepto I got when in had a stomach virus last November, and Neosporin from where another student barber nicked my ear with scisssors and I bled like a stick pig.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    Hard boil a bunch of eggs grab and go in morning. Two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at lunch and an apple or two.
    Pasta with chicken and veggies for dinner
  • AlexDalton1998
    AlexDalton1998 Posts: 19 Member
    feel free to look at my diary - I avg 2700 a day (low of 2550 and high of 2950)
    Complete noob here. How do I do that?
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish Posts: 831 Member
    edited September 2017
    I can agree that its insanely difficult to only eat 2700 calories per day...and I'm about the same height.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    feel free to look at my diary - I avg 2700 a day (low of 2550 and high of 2950)
    Complete noob here. How do I do that?

    To view someone's diary (if they have it set to public) you click on their name -- this should pull up their usercard -- and then click on their name again from there to go to their profile. You should see a big green button to view their diary.