Jumping On The Scales ALL The Time!!!!!

So here's my biggest enemy but also one I can't run away from or throw out. MY SCALES!!!

I keep my scales in my bedroom. Problem is that I can't resist jumping on them when I'm at home. Especially if my day is working out great and I am within my daily calorie allowance. I'm making it a point of plotting and charting my weight on my own graph weekly but that still doesn't stop me from hoping on those scales several times a day. Then depending on what the scales flash back I either feel great or terrible. I have the common sense of knowing that weight not only fluctuates through the day but also day to day, but I still can't resist checking my weight. I don't want to throw my scales out, but neither do I know how stop weighing myself 20times a day If I'm at home.

I know I'm not alone in this, I'm sure there are plenty of other people the same as me. Anyone with any advice? Suggestions? No cruel remarks please, just good advice.


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    You could just put it in the garage/closet/top of the fridge. That means you can't randomly jump on to check.
  • danishadow
    danishadow Posts: 3 Member
    I have struggled with this in the past and still do on occasion when I am trying to reach a goal weight. Start small. Challenge yourself one day to only weigh yourself once in the morning and again just before bed. See how that feels. Then the fun part is to try it again.
  • fabulous1690
    fabulous1690 Posts: 44 Member
    Nice suggestion, but won't work. I can still get to it. It's not that I don't want to reach it, but want to be able to stop jumping on it. Any thoughts?

    Guess I should mention that as I only have myself for encouragement/motivation/support the scales are what I rely on (far too much) to tell me how I'm doing.
  • fabulous1690
    fabulous1690 Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you danishadow.
  • sugarfree123
    sugarfree123 Posts: 82 Member
    The weight on the scale is a worthless number. You know that. It can't tell you how much of you is water, bone, muscle, fat, or poop. I used to think it was great that I weighed the same number for years until I looked in the mirror and realized that even though the scale stayed the same, I had traded muscle for fat. I was very flabby at 125 lbs. I thought I had a fat problem so I dieted down to 109 lbs. Looked like *kitten*. So I started lifting weights and eating to make muscle. Now I love my body and guess what, I weigh 125 lbs. (and in pretty good shape for 63 years young) If you change your goal to make muscle, the fat will take care of itself.
  • fabulous1690
    fabulous1690 Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you sugarfree. Kind advice is always welcome.
  • RedSierra
    RedSierra Posts: 253 Member
    edited September 2017
    Take the batteries out (if the scale is digital) and put them in your office/place of work/gym locker/other place not at home. Then put them in once a week or a few times a week at a planned time. Write your weigh-in days on your calendar.

    Edited to add that between weigh-ins, put the scale away where you won't see it (a shelf in a closet, etc.).

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,668 Member
    So here's my biggest enemy but also one I can't run away from or throw out. MY SCALES!!!

    I keep my scales in my bedroom. Problem is that I can't resist jumping on them when I'm at home. Especially if my day is working out great and I am within my daily calorie allowance. I'm making it a point of plotting and charting my weight on my own graph weekly but that still doesn't stop me from hoping on those scales several times a day. Then depending on what the scales flash back I either feel great or terrible. I have the common sense of knowing that weight not only fluctuates through the day but also day to day, but I still can't resist checking my weight. I don't want to throw my scales out, but neither do I know how stop weighing myself 20times a day If I'm at home.

    I know I'm not alone in this, I'm sure there are plenty of other people the same as me. Anyone with any advice? Suggestions? No cruel remarks please, just good advice.
    Just for sake, let's say you weighed in the morning and then later that afternoon. You see a 2lbs gain. Now, looking in the mirror, where do you see that 2lbs? You likely don't and guess what.......................................no one else does either.
    If you look the way you want to, fit into the clothes size you want to, people comment nicely about how you look, then in reality, does it REALLY MATTER what that number on the scale says? Do you walk around with it pasted on your forehead? And even if you did, do you really think anyone cares?
    Living and dying by the scales is one of the number one reasons people quit trying to lose weight.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • RedSierra
    RedSierra Posts: 253 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Just for sake, let's say you weighed in the morning and then later that afternoon. You see a 2lbs gain. Now, looking in the mirror, where do you see that 2lbs? You likely don't and guess what.......................................no one else does either.
    If you look the way you want to, fit into the clothes size you want to, people comment nicely about how you look, then in reality, does it REALLY MATTER what that number on the scale says? Do you walk around with it pasted on your forehead? And even if you did, do you really think anyone cares?
    Living and dying by the scales is one of the number one reasons people quit trying to lose weight.

    Agree with ninerbuff.

    I've had a similar problem with blood pressure. Mine went up due to a caffeine intolerance and some other things and is back to normal now. Several people suggested I buy a blood pressure cuff so I could check it at home -- I didn't because I knew I would be checking it 24 hours a day.

    Another idea is to take the entire scale and store it somewhere outside the house. Weigh yourself at the drugstore or the doctor's office for a while until you stop obsessing. Check your measurements instead (there's a place to record them on MFP).

    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    that's why I do not own one