Rugged Maniac

Hey there, I just registered for the Rugged Maniac in Southwick, Ma in September and I'm wicked excited! This will be my first rugged race. Just wondering if there are any other Maniacs out there and if so, how do you train for this type of course?


  • annie422
    annie422 Posts: 114 Member
  • PhatVeeDub
    Hey Annie, I signed up recently and it will be my first adventure race. We have a team of 7 and we will also be at the race in Southwick going off at 1pm. A couple of us have been running together in the woods doing about 3-4 miles two or three times a week.

    While running, we will jump/climb rocks, jump downed trees or crawl under them. If there are puddles or streams, we run through them. Occasionally we have to walk but from I have gathered, there isn't a ton of running in this thing, more like sprinting from obstacle to obstacle.

    Along with the running we try to do push ups and pull ups. I think this is more of an upper body race than lower body but we'll see. We have a couple of playgrounds around here and we have practiced the monkey bars etc.

    Have you given any thought to your clothing choices?! We are going with lightweight materials that don't hold water like Under Armour, DriFit etc. Most of us are going to be in trail running shoes or Five Fingers. Be sure if you have shoes with laces, they are strong laces and tie your shoes tight so you don't loose them in the mud. Also I recommend clothing that is more snug instead of loose and baggy. Loose clothing may get caught up in the ropes, barb wire or walls.
  • mflinchb
    mflinchb Posts: 2 Member
    I just signed up for the one in Louisville, KY (technically Paoii, IN) in August. This will be my first 5K. I've got a few months to train for it which is a good thing since I'm currently not the fastest runner. I've been googling what types of training is needed- definitely will need to work on some upper body strength from what I've gathered as well. I have a few friends who have done similar races and they said it's a very fun race and don't be discouraged if you're not a super fast runner because no matter what you're likely to have fun!

    let me know what you think of your race!
  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    Yay!!! I'm registered for that race too!!!! I've never done one before but it looks like so much fun!!!! :D

    I ran my first 5K in Oct so I'm not worried about the running...even though from what I've seen there's not too much running. About 4 weeks ago I started doing Insanity to help tone me up and get me in better shape
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I am going to sign up for the one in kansas city which isn't until october. I have never done a race before lol... i'm also doing the color run which is a few months earlier. I don't know how to train for it. I'm not really worrying too much about it. I'm just doing it for fun.
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    I signed up for the one in Southwick too. So excited !
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    OK - just noticed this feed is from years ago - So how'd it go with everyone...