Starting Over At 30

Hello all. My name is Sami, and I just turned 30 on Monday (9/11). In the past couple of years I have gone through A LOT of life changes; marriage, divorce, new relationship (which I'm happy in!), new job, and gaining FIFTY pounds.

I was never a "small" girl by any means, and the day I stepped on the scale and saw 200, I almost cried. Sadly, I have gained another 10ish pounds on top of that, but I decided that I was going to take the stand, and make my 30s my healthiest decade ever.

I really don't know anything about fitness or nutrion, but I am willing to learn, and am looking for anyone who would like to help, and maybe make a few friends along the way!


  • kmclellan71
    kmclellan71 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Sami. I haven't posted any messages on here before but saw you had no replies (why?) and thought I'd say "hi" at least!
    Congrats on the divorce/new relationship thing - been there, done that! I'm also, at 46, over 30 (you poor old thing)
  • kmclellan71
    kmclellan71 Posts: 6 Member
    I've always been a chunky monkey - ever since I was little and have always had a pretty unhealthy relationship with food - love cakes, chocolate, cookies, etc and not so keen on green things. Ive tried every diet known to man and seem to have been on some (misguided) diet or another all of my life really. I was only ever slim after a very traumatic relationship and subsequent messy divorce - when I wasn't really eating at all but on a strict vodka and cigarette only diet! Then I too found happiness in a new relationship, got comfy and the pounds started piling back on.
    I'm recording EVERYTHING I eat, totally honestly, on here and that alone is helping. I have a very active lifestyle already - walking my dog for at least two hours a day and I have a physically demanding job - so I'm fit but fat and don't think I need any more exercise. It's been enlightening to see where my calories are coming from and it's really helping me to make more sensible choices and decisions. If I want cake, I have cake, but it means I have to be really careful the rest of the day and extra good the next day. Anyway, enough about me! Welcome and good luck! )