A personal question on losing about 100 lbs

Ok, so I've watched myself balloon from 210 (which was bad enough) to 289 since graduating high school (in 2005). I'm 5'11'', so really I ought to weigh about 180ish. Here's the thing though, the closer I get to being 100 lbs over my high school weight, the more I give up. A few years ago, I got down to 220, and then rapidly gained forty lbs. Then, I got pregnant with my daughter, and after having her, I lost thirty pounds (I only gained 17)...and very quickly gained forty. All this to say, I'm currently in counseling (life issues), and my counselro said that most people feel that it's easier to lose 100 lbs than 20? Am I really an oddity? Please constructive criticism only, I know it's easy to be pissy with people on the internet, but i honestly need help with this.


  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    I don't know how your counselor can say that its easier to lose 20 pounds than 100 pounds?? I need to lose 100 pounds and I can tell you I have been able to drop 10 or 20 here and there with out a problem but actually losing the entire 100 hasn't happened yet which is why I am here. The only thing I can think of it that's it's harder to lose weight the closer you get to a healthy weight but other than that I think losing anyway is a challenge, maybe a different one for everyone but still a challenge....

    You are NOT an oddity!!

    Good luck to you - stay strong!
  • mefeight1964
    mefeight1964 Posts: 88 Member
    Wow, I can't imagine that to be the case, but I suppose everyone is different. IMHO, I think the more I have to lose, the more likely I am to feel overwhelmed by the journey that lies ahead of me. I can say though, that it would be easier for me to "dismiss" a smaller amount (if I ignore it, it'll go away), but that only allows more to pile on. :(

    How do YOU feel about the thought of losing 100 lbs. vs. 20?
  • DrewD2011
    DrewD2011 Posts: 66 Member
    I know that after I finally chose to really try...I lost 95 lbs. pretty quickly (11 months). That took me 12 years to figure out. This last 15 has taken me another 18 months (with one set back gaining about 18). Net is...I have to be active and conscious of my nutrition for life! Other net is...you can choose to do it anytime!

    This site really helps.

    Good luck.
  • mefeight1964
    mefeight1964 Posts: 88 Member
    Wow, I can't imagine that to be the case, but I suppose everyone is different. IMHO, I think the more I have to lose, the more likely I am to feel overwhelmed by the journey that lies ahead of me. I can say though, that it would be easier for me to "dismiss" a smaller amount (if I ignore it, it'll go away), but that only allows more to pile on. :(

    How do YOU feel about the thought of losing 100 lbs. vs. 20?
  • mefeight1964
    mefeight1964 Posts: 88 Member
    Wow, I can't imagine that to be the case, but I suppose everyone is different. IMHO, I think the more I have to lose, the more likely I am to feel overwhelmed by the journey that lies ahead of me. I can say though, that it would be easier for me to "dismiss" a smaller amount (if I ignore it, it'll go away), but that only allows more to pile on. :(

    How do YOU feel about the thought of losing 100 lbs. vs. 20?
  • I feel your frustration. I'm in the mindset to lose 100 lbs too. The first 20 was easy to me, but the other milestones behind it are hard. Instead of thinking of your weight loss goals in lbs, try to think of them in percentages, if you lose 30lbs, then youre 30% of the way done with your goal. I have to tell myself all the time 30%. Keep your head up, I promise, with hard work, it WILL make a difference. Last March I was 260, now I'm at 225. Just gotta keep pounding it!
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    For me, I am more motivated to lose weight the more I have to lose. My weight has been up and down my entire life -- maintaining is my issue. It's just easier to lose weight when you have more to lose -- it comes off quicker.
  • agm103
    agm103 Posts: 8 Member
    I just focus on 10 pounds at a time. Even though I'm not quite to 20, it's been way easier than saying I have 130 lbs to lose. Have your big goal, but set little goals along the way. " 100 lbs by March and 50 by November. You CAN do this!
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    I am guessing that what your counselor is trying to tell you is as you get closer to a goal weight, it gets harder to lose weight (so the last 20 pounds will be more challenging and might take longer than your first 80).

    I definitely think looking at losing 100 lbs would be very daunting...so you need to do what most of us here on MFP have done and make small goals...things you can accomplish in a few weeks to a few months.

    For example: your first goal might be to lose 10% of your starting weight (research online how much health improvement you get from just losing that first 10%)

    Some of my goals have been more exercise related...or clothing size related (just reached this one by getting into a size 16 pant)!

    Hope this helps...good luck!
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Emmamay.....I started on MFP at 221.6......As you see by my ticker Ive lost 14lbs as of today. It's not easy it is work, but if you commit to it it will happen. There will be up and downs but in the long run there will be more ups then down. Once I got all my life issues in order and really started to focus on getting healthy it just all fell into place. I have went a week or two with just losing inches and the scale not moving, but thats ok it is happening. MFP is a wonderful place and I love all the people that I have met on here. I think if you commit to us and log everything (even on the days where it wasnt so good) you will see a difference. I can be having a horrible day and all I do is get on MFP and talk to some of my friends and it makes all the bad just go away......So I want to welcome you and wish you all the luck in the world and if you need another person for support please feel free to add me as a friend....
  • hottiewannabe
    hottiewannabe Posts: 92 Member
    Has this counselor lost 100 lbs his/herself? Would love to know how they can say it's easier to lose 100 than 20 unless they did it and can back that statement up. Good luck with the counseling and just keep at it. Take one day at a time and don't get overwhelmed or obsessed with the number on the scale. It will drive you nuts! Make good choices, but don't deprive yourself either. Remember, weight gain doesn't happen over night, neither will weight loss. Keep fighting!
  • When I was only 20-40lbs overweight, I dieted all the time. I would lose 10lbs, 20lbs, then gan it back, and start dieting again. It was a constant, ENDLESS, cycle.

    Then I had a baby and gained 70lbs during that pregnancy... 4.5 years later I had not lost a single pound of the baby weight, in fact I had gained several more pounds. I had put in a good effort to try and lose it ONE time in that 4.5 years, and I had only lost about 12lbs, then gave up.

    For me, having over 100lbs to lose was entirely discouraging. I just kept thinking "Oh my, I'm never going to lose THAT much weight, why even bother trying." I really gave up on myself, I couldn't even THINK about the weight I wanted to lose, it was so daunting and discouraging. Then the idea of having loose skin terrified me.

    So... No, you're not odd. It's hard for me to understand where your counselor got that from... Like a previous poster mentioned, I actually had to stop focusing on the bigger picture and set mini goals so I could focus on 10-30lbs at a time. Now that I'm halfway to goal, it's a lot easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I guess I had a similar thing. I wasn't ready to lose weight until I hit a "round number". In UK terms that was 14 stone for me, and I ate and ate until I got there. If I was going by US terms, I'd have had to gain another 4lbs to be a round 200! Weird, I know, but then I always work out until I've hit a round number in terms of time, distance or calories too.
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311

    1) Proper Diet - Your body is like an engine. If you put gunk in it, then it will not function properly.
    2) Exercise - You need to work your body in order for your metabolism to work
    3) Commitment - Without this, you will fall back into old patterns and you will gain it all back.

    Fad diets dont work - you will not be able to maintain crazy diets forever. Most people diet for a week or two and then give it up. Pills dont work. Expensive programs dont work. Ever seen a workout bike without cobwebs?

    You must WORK OUT! You must change your lifestyle! You must remain committed!

    Yes you will fall, yess you will make poor choices, but limit those poor choices to once (or twice) a week. Over time, you will lose the weight. Its hard at first, but, like anything worth fighting for, the rewards are leaps and bounds from your wildest dreams!
  • In my thinking, 20 lbs seems impossible, and so 100 seems overwhelmingly impossible. I have been told that I self sabotage, which I do. I'm the world's worst, but I'm ready for a change, I can't stand this any longer. I've been trying to lose weight since I was 14...and I've weighed 210 since I was 12...I got taller, and it moved to where I didn't look as big as i did when i was 12, obviously, but I got to where, in high school, I'd wear ankle weights while working in a restauraunt (sp?), I took it really seriously, and still, never lost more than 5-10 lbs. And I know that if I take it seriously now, that I'm going to drop weight pretty quickly, but it scares me that I might gain it all back double time (lose 15, gain 30, lose 20, gain 40...seems to be my pattern). What kills me though, is half of me wants to change, and then other half doesn't care anymore (self sabotage).
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    This site is fantastic. The very first thing to do is to start tracking. You don't even need to diet first. Just track so you can see how many calories you actually are consuming and in what form. After you get a handle on things, start making small changes in your diet and lifestyle. It could be to add some more fruits and veggies, add some walking, or taking away some of your high calorie foods.

    Read some literature on exercise and nutrition.

    This is not a race to see how fast you can lose weight. It needs to be a lifestyle change.

    And you can't expect to be the perfect healthy person right from the get go. It really does take time and effort to figure out how to do things right.

    Good luck.
  • deborahmorris
    deborahmorris Posts: 177 Member

    1) Proper Diet - Your body is like an engine. If you put gunk in it, then it will not function properly.
    2) Exercise - You need to work your body in order for your metabolism to work
    3) Commitment - Without this, you will fall back into old patterns and you will gain it all back.

    Fad diets dont work - you will not be able to maintain crazy diets forever. Most people diet for a week or two and then give it up. Pills dont work. Expensive programs dont work. Ever seen a workout bike without cobwebs?

    You must WORK OUT! You must change your lifestyle! You must remain committed!

    Yes you will fall, yess you will make poor choices, but limit those poor choices to once (or twice) a week. Over time, you will lose the weight. Its hard at first, but, like anything worth fighting for, the rewards are leaps and bounds from your wildest dreams!

    Amen...that's the key...there is no "magic way" the only magic is "lifestyle change"
    Good luck you can do this...feel free to add me if you would like!!!:flowerforyou:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I don't get your counselor's statement either...unless like someone else pointed out, he/she's talking about those last 10-20 pounds that a lot of people struggle with. To me, that's a statement from someone who has no idea what' it's like to be so overweight that you don't know where to start. And I truly believe that's where you're at right now (becuase I was there 2 years ago). Every time you gain, you're thinking about the big number you have to lose like "oh great, now I have to lose ANOTHER 20 pounds" and that train of thought can be overwhelming, depressing and frustrating - all of which can leat to stress eating and more weight and giving up.

    So here's what you need to do. First, take a deep breath. You've already acknowledged that big number and now you need to forget about it or make peace with it. Either way, get it out of your head and start focusing on small goals (5 or 10 pounds at a time) or change your goals (think more in terms of fitness, inches or clothings sizes).

    Take it one day or one week at a time and don't stress about it. Make friends, get support - that's what this website is all about. You can do this!

    1) Proper Diet - Your body is like an engine. If you put gunk in it, then it will not function properly.
    2) Exercise - You need to work your body in order for your metabolism to work
    3) Commitment - Without this, you will fall back into old patterns and you will gain it all back.

    Fad diets dont work - you will not be able to maintain crazy diets forever. Most people diet for a week or two and then give it up. Pills dont work. Expensive programs dont work. Ever seen a workout bike without cobwebs?

    You must WORK OUT! You must change your lifestyle! You must remain committed!

    Yes you will fall, yess you will make poor choices, but limit those poor choices to once (or twice) a week. Over time, you will lose the weight. Its hard at first, but, like anything worth fighting for, the rewards are leaps and bounds from your wildest dreams!

    Word!!! I agree whole heartedly!!! I am 52 yrs old and I JUST figured this out!!!! I was always looking for the *magic diet*...the ONE that would do IT for ME!!!
    What I failed time and time again to realize is that the *magic* was within me...like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz!!!!!!!!!! I did not want to change my diet or lifestyle. I just wanted the pounds to melt away.

    Now I eat healthy AND I move this body. I have MS and type II diabetes. I do Turbo Jam, Leslie Sansone dvds, take the dog out on 1 -3 mile walks (if not too hot...heat is the enemy w/ MS!), I just purchased Power 90 at a garage sale....do not know what that is about, but I will find out! AND I do yoga....LOVE yoga. I can move and have freedom of motion!

    I did not have any of this available to me when I was growing up. I am Italian American....manga!!!! I grew up in the best place NYC! AMAZING food! No wonder I am overweight!

    Now I eat right and move. I LOVE exercising....NEVER thought I would say that.

    Young people...LISTEN to this old woman....MOVE your beautiful body!!!! Eat sensibly. Cheat occasionally and the next meal, go back on program. Do it now....do not wait until you have any health issues. ENJOY your life!
    LOVE yourself. First step in change is to love yourself enough to want it. Just do it!

    I am proud of each and every one of us here...we are all together in this amazing journey!!!!!
    You are all wonderful! Don't let anyone tell you differently!

    1) Proper Diet - Your body is like an engine. If you put gunk in it, then it will not function properly.
    2) Exercise - You need to work your body in order for your metabolism to work
    3) Commitment - Without this, you will fall back into old patterns and you will gain it all back.

    Fad diets dont work - you will not be able to maintain crazy diets forever. Most people diet for a week or two and then give it up. Pills dont work. Expensive programs dont work. Ever seen a workout bike without cobwebs?

    You must WORK OUT! You must change your lifestyle! You must remain committed!

    Yes you will fall, yess you will make poor choices, but limit those poor choices to once (or twice) a week. Over time, you will lose the weight. Its hard at first, but, like anything worth fighting for, the rewards are leaps and bounds from your wildest dreams!