Serious losers only

Are you done with your old unhealthy lifestyle and determined to live a healthier, happier and lighter life? Do you log every day? Then you're in the right place! I'm looking to find like minded individuals determined to be their very best any keep each other encouraged. If you've got a long journey like me, then even better. Losing weight is a marathon; let's run it together!


  • KalKitten
    KalKitten Posts: 10 Member
  • Ultio70
    Ultio70 Posts: 12 Member
    My name is Chris I'm 46 years old I had a previously active lifestyle in the military after an injury and a wife became accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle I became out of shape and overweight. I was drinking an average of nearly a gallon of soda a day eating candy bars chips cake and all kinds of other crap all the time. On June 7th this year I snapped I couldn't take it anymore I went to gym signed up started working out. 100 each of pushups, situps and squats. Broken up into 2 sets of 10 5 times aday. In addition to my training ading at the gym. That has turned into 2 sets of 25 in the morning and again in the evening as ive gotten stronger. Day 1 weigh in 191 lbs (im 5' 6") I quit soda and sugar cold turkey. For a few days it was as hard to take as morphine, a real physical addiction. After only 3 or 4 days I could notice an increase in mental clarity in the things I was craving for food. I'm only 2 months and I rarely crave it anymore. I've lost 18 pounds in those two months and I feel like a different person physically mentally and emotionally. I'm tired and I'm sore from all the workouts but I'm also stronger and faster and healthier it's already noticeable people are commenting. The biggest struggle for me is consuming enough calories and protein for my workouts. once I started tracking it I realize that there was very frequently more than a thousand or 1500 calories deficit for someone with my activity level. I'm at the gym Twice a day 3 times a week, once a day 3 times a week one day rest. This is all supervised of course.
  • cheryllynn513
    cheryllynn513 Posts: 8 Member
    love this ♡♡ any motivated accountable people feel free to add me
  • crawlinkingsnake
    Bump for visability. Still looking for more dedicated weight loss friends!
  • anglilacs
    anglilacs Posts: 165 Member
    I'm in it for the long haul this time around. Slow and steady but very consistent. I keep my food diary open. Please send me a friend request if you want more mfp friends.
  • SaraMakingChanges
    SaraMakingChanges Posts: 178 Member
    Hi, my name is Sara and I have been using MFP for just over a year but it finally clicked for me about 4 months ago and I am finally seeing my weight go down which feels amazing! I am doing this slow and steady and I have a very long road since my first goal is to lose 100 pounds... and when I reach that goal I expect my next one will be to lose 100 more! I have dieted off and on since I was 15 years old but in those 25 years of sporadic, starvation / fad diets mingled with a steadfast denial as I ate emotionally and blindly whatever I wanted and steadily gained... I never actually believed that I could successfully lose weight and keep it off. Today I can tell you that my path has changed 100% - for the first time in a very long time I believe in myself. I am losing the baggage, mental and physical, that has been weighing me down for far too long and I am gaining joy, time with friends and family and the freedom to be active and have fun again! Please send an invite and I will be happy to connect and offer support and community. I log every day. I weigh in once a month. I'm not yet going to a gym but I am swimming and walking which are both big wins for me. Best wishes to you all on your journeys to health and happiness!
    Thanks for stating this post @crawlinkingsnake
    Let's do this!!!!
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    Oh I am most definitely a serious loser
  • CrabbyCancerMama
    CrabbyCancerMama Posts: 95 Member
    I'm down 100lbs so yes I'd say I'm a serious loser. Looking to lose 15 more lbs. I was classified as obese and outweighed my husband (and I was shorter than him so that didn't help) I'm still 10lbs away from a "normal" weight! I don't really log my food because honestly I have that down pat but I do log my exercise. Feel free to add me
  • paulawriteslove
    paulawriteslove Posts: 195 Member
    Hello! It's so important to keep each other motivated! Feel free to add me :)
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    MFP vet in the Loser Olympics. Add me if you wish. :)