Eating low GI

Hey everyone!

I am new here. 20 years old and trying to loose weight and get my blood sugar under control as I have PCOS. My goal is to stay under 100g of low GI carbs a day. I have lost 5 lbs so far during a one week time frame, hoping to get down to 130lbs from 202lbs. Would love some friends to keep each other motivated and on track! :)


  • melanie8135
    melanie8135 Posts: 7 Member
    i hope it is all going well for you
  • Hey I can help maybe add me
  • cpacurrie1
    cpacurrie1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I know that's a challenge. I'm trying to watch my carbohydrate load as well because it's the only thing I haven't done in the past. I've have learned a few tricks to help:
    Eating your salad first.
    Adding vinegar to your menu or a pickle.
    Exercise just after eating.

    I want to lose 20 lbs and get in better physical condition.

    I think fitness pal really helps a lot.
  • georgiep84
    georgiep84 Posts: 13 Member
    How did you get on with low gi? I am just starting and would like some ideas for foods. Hope it worked for you.