Get ready, get set, GO! P90X Week 1 [closed group]

HELLO to Leigh, Stacey, and Shawn. I think some of you are ahead of me by quite a bit (where is everyone from?) so I'm going to go ahead and post this now, even though it's not Monday yet here. ;-)

Everyone excited for today? Don't forget! No excuses!

Here is a calendar that I printed out so I could cross each day off: (We're only using the first page.)

Today's workout is: Chest & Back / Ab Ripper X

Goooooooooooooooooood luck lovelies! Let us know how you do! Don't forget about eating healthy, too! Leigh is leading a Green vs. Red challenge for August (stay in the green for calories at least 5/7 days per week) that I say we should all try!


  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    We have a fifth member! Everyone, welcome Andie!!! :-)
  • Hey ladies :)

    Just reporting in after day 1 of P90X and I really enjoyed it - although I think I'm going to ache later! The chest & back part felt really good but ab ripper x just killed me! I used bands for the pull up sections as I've tried a proper pull up but can only hang there! My goal is to start using the pull up bar within 1 months time.

    I hope it all goes well for you today :)

    Stacey x

    ps Katie, thanks for the calendar!
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    Hello everyone :o)

    I won't be completing it until later this evening (at around 9pm(ish)) as I have both my sons with me today so no time to fit it in so I will report in after that or tomorrow morning.

    I am quite hungover and I hope it has eased by then !!!!!!! x
  • wyants
    wyants Posts: 18
    Good Morning group,
    I am excited to get this started. I will be starting tonight after work and before Zumba. I had started P90X before with some friends and they all stopped then so did I. it will be nice to do it again. I can't do pull ups at all so I used bands before. I love the plyometrics that was my fav. So excited for great change.
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    What do we log it as in exercise? x
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    Ok, what do you do when you get to the chin ups / pull up stage ?????????? Apart from stand there looking like a tw@t proclaiming to the TV that you are in your front room, not a gym ???
  • My friends who have done this before said each dvd is approx 500cals and the ab ripper X about 150cals. On my exercise log I've just created each session as 'P90X back & chest' / 'P90X plyometrics' etc and assigned them 500calories for 60mins. I'm not sure if you can grab it from my diary to save you entering it?
  • Ok, what do you do when you get to the chin ups / pull up stage ?????????? Apart from stand there looking like a tw@t proclaiming to the TV that you are in your front room, not a gym ???

    Have you got any resistance bands that you can hook over a door frame? Thats how I got round it in my very tiny front room! ;)
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    Have you got any resistance bands that you can hook over a door frame? Thats how I got round it in my very tiny front room! ;)

    I have a resistance band - but I have no idea how I am supposed to hook it??
  • Have you got any resistance bands that you can hook over a door frame? Thats how I got round it in my very tiny front room! ;)

    I have a resistance band - but I have no idea how I am supposed to hook it??

    My boyfriend had been using a coathook screwed in at the top of the door which worked fine - but you need to make sure you keep the bands flexed so it doesn't pop off!

    He then bought a pull up bar set from argos which hooks over the top of the door frame so I just threaded the band through that.

    Hope that helps hun x
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    For calculating calories: (This is what I sent Andie, I'm just copy/pasting)

    "Go here:
    Calculate for your weight, and 1 minute of vigorous weight lifting.
    Then enter it into MFP to use later!
    I did the same for high impact aerobics, for days that are mainly cardio.

    For example:

    I weigh 177 lbs.
    60 minutes of p90x strength (vigorous weight lifting) will burn 463 calories.
    60 minutes of p90x cardio (high impact aerobics) will burn 565 calories.

    I hope I'm not being confusing. MFP will automatically adjust the number of calories burned when you weigh less. "

    Does that help? :D
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    Well, I completed it, I found the 1st section really hard - like really really hard, it's not the type of exercise that I normally do or enjoy or particularly WANT to get good at !!! The Ab Ripper was more my cup of tea, but then the disk kept jumping and I was getting quite annoyed with it !!!

    I don't think I burnt anywhere near 500 calories so not too sure how I'm going to log this.

    I ended up just wrapping the resistance band around my door handle and sitting / leaning back for all the pull up type exercises !!!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    How much do you weigh? (in lbs?) I'll calculate it for you...
  • wyants
    wyants Posts: 18
    Hello all, How are you all logging the exercise?
  • wyants
    wyants Posts: 18
    Hi I guess I didnt read the thread before I posted. Sorry, I am from Illinois. I have 3 children and 3 grandchildern with one on the way. I love to do Zumba, walk/jog and I want to finish and get the rest of this weight off. I am excited to do this. I had a hard time with the chest/back not sure if I should get a pull up bar or just modify with bands. I am trying to figure it all out. Hope everyone did ok.
  • 50Fit
    50Fit Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, Just wanted to add my 2 cents for what it's worth. I'm on my second round of P90X and love it. I went from 26.7% bodyfat to 18.2%, which is not bad for a middle aged lady. The best advice I can give you is to follow the nutrition guide that came with the program. Healthy eats all the way, you won't be hungry and you will lose bodyfat. The "money" time is the very last phase so don't give up. During phase 1, you will probably want to give up because there is a good chance your scale will go up instead of down. Mine did. Hang in there, I can honestly say that program changed my health and my life. Just keep pushing play.:smile:
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Woohoo! I did it! The Chest & Back part was hard-ish, but the Ab Ripper X was insane!!!! The most I could do of most exercises (abs) was like 10. I did pretty good with C&B part though. :)

    Good job everyone on day one!!! Tomorrow is Plyometrics!!!
  • CakepopPirate
    CakepopPirate Posts: 51 Member
    Hello Lovelies!

    Thanks for including me in your group! I showed up, pushed play and believe it or not... I finished the video. Sweet! I found that my wrists hurt a lot form the chest/back. He mentions in the video that you can use push up bars to ease that pain... Does anyone else have this problem? Do you guys use push up bars? The abs killed me. Hahaha... But that's okay, because next time it will be better, I hope :)

    BTW, I am from Oregon and work out at sporadic times because I work from home. I am also attempting to train for a marathon in December. I haven't decided if I am actually going to do it, but I thought I would start training and see how it goes. I think building some muscle through P90X will really help this effort. I amazed myself by finishing a 1/2 marathon in June and it has motivated me to continue to push myself to be healthy and strong.

    I'm looking forward to Plyos tomorrow! I haven't done plyometrics since... high school maybe?! Yikes.
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Hey, I live in WA! :D

    Edit: Oh and I use push up bars :)
  • CakepopPirate
    CakepopPirate Posts: 51 Member
    West Coast rules! :wink:

    So, what's the verdict on pushup bars? Do they help your wrist not ache?