Help! I need supportive friends to lose weight and lower BP.

Back in 2015 I only needed to lose 30 lbs, and I did lose half of it, but now I gained all that back plus and need to lose 50 lbs, not to mention get my bloodpressire under control.

Has anyone reduced bloodpressire with weight loss and diet?

I'm at about 134/90. 253 lbs 51 years old.


  • jwkwak3
    jwkwak3 Posts: 14 Member
    I have not lost enough to say but since I am a diabetic I am on a low dose of Linsopril for kidney protection. My brother lost a bunch of weight and lowered blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Josiejo0701
    Josiejo0701 Posts: 10 Member
    I was on here a few months back and lost 40 pounds. I want to lose another 50. I ran into some health issues and had to stop for a while, but I'm back and ready to pick up where I left off. I'm going to have to approach this differently than before because I found out that I have MS. These last few months I have had difficulty just walking across the floor let alone exercising. You cannot handle heat, cold, exertion, and your number one complaint is being exhausted all the time. So I'm going to have to do this very slowly. Before all this weight gain, I was a fitness instructor and then my health took a nosedive starting when I had breast cancer. From there it went downhill. At that point, the pounds just started packing on until I reached 240 lbs. I know that if I want to be healthy I need to get down to around 150 again. That is where I feel my best. So can you add me to your group and let's all do this together??? I can tell you that it works to lower your blood pressure and it helps when you are a diabetic. When I was a fitness professional, I worked with both issues as a personal trainer and saw how getting your weight down and toning up made a huge difference in both areas - diabetes and b/p. I actually had clients that got to go off both their meds once the weight came off. I'm not recommending that you stop your meds - that would have to come from your doctor, but I am telling you that from experience, I have seen it happen at good deal of the time when the person took it serious and did what needed to be done to make it happen. Good luck!
  • douglasbeale
    douglasbeale Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks Josiejo0701! Just added you:)
  • douglasbeale
    douglasbeale Posts: 66 Member
    BTW: After only 6 days of diet and exercise my Blood Pressure is comming down.

  • Kalex1975
    Kalex1975 Posts: 427 Member
    Hi Douglas,

    I suffered congestive heart failure a couple years ago, was 450+ pounds and my BP was off the charts (when I went to an EmergiCare they couldn’t get their machines to get a reading!). After 10 days in the hospital and getting excellent care from a cardiologist, sleep doctor, and my primary care I have lost 253 pounds and my BP is under control... too much to share all at once :)

    Best of luck to you! Add me if you like!
  • theabsentmindednurse
    theabsentmindednurse Posts: 404 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hi Doug.
    It is possible :)
    Just be aware it takes time! A lot of time.

    I started two years ago with 145 pounds to lose.
    BP 155/100 ( average). On two blood pressure meds.
    Two years on I am 90 pounds down and am only on one BP medication.
    BP 110/70 (average).

    It will happen.
    Just give it time. Keep walking this path every day. This is not a diet. This is forever.
    Just keep going and you will be a happy and healthier you.

    Good luck.
  • douglasbeale
    douglasbeale Posts: 66 Member
    Kalex1975, theabsentmi.. You guys are definitely inspirational. Thanks! I just logged my first week and feel great.
  • Rero79
    Rero79 Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add me. First time I've ever been this serious about my health. Trying to get off the BP pills by my 40th birthday in July. I've tried to run from taking them for 5 years. But it caught up with me a month ago. 12 days in, a life time to go!
  • douglasbeale
    douglasbeale Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks Rero79 I just added you. I have young children and a family health history too!