Lookin for friendos!

Hello! My name is Jacob and I have been on and off of MFP for years. I have had success with it in the past, stopped using it and went back to bad habits. This has been a good streak for me as of late and don't see myself screwing it up again.

Lil bit about me. Started my journey at about 325lbs, and am down to 289. Feeling pretty good, but I don't have much support on my side. My current friends list is composed of three people haha.

Interests include video games (mainly Nintendo), WWE, metal music...yeah...pretty nerdy....and not the cool kind of nerdy.

Anyway, if you wanna be buds, feel free to add me! I am just trying to get more active in the community and learn. Plus, its great to see progress from others to keep me motivated.

Thank you for taking the time out to read this, and hopefully I will speak with you soon!


  • Davidaw86
    Davidaw86 Posts: 117 Member
    Hey now, Nintendo is the cool kind of nerdy, lol. But anyway, sending you a request. Sounds like you have a good start on the diet, great job on the 36lbs lost.
  • jpwt1313
    jpwt1313 Posts: 21 Member
    Haha thanks!
  • R4U1R0DR1GU3Z
    R4U1R0DR1GU3Z Posts: 81 Member
    Sent a request, for me the community side of MFP has been the game changer. I recommend you start sending out friend requests to get a nice support circle going.
  • Sunami32
    Sunami32 Posts: 52 Member
    Feel free to add me, the progress you've made so far is amazing!!! :)
  • lt2inohio
    lt2inohio Posts: 6 Member
    Nintendo all the way love it ! Lol o:)<3<3
  • lt2inohio
    lt2inohio Posts: 6 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me I need buddies to motivate me
  • bweath2
    bweath2 Posts: 147 Member
    Just started up again 2 weeks ago.
    SW 296
    GW 205
  • I'm new so no clue how to add friends ect, but you've done brilliantly, I'd love someone with your determination and knowledge in my corner!
    I sell retro video games so that's work & pleasure, I live in a metal household - my husband likes the heavy stuff, me and my 5yo are old school like ACDC, Kiss n Cru.
    And I was a massive fan of WWF back in the day (British Bulldog, Legion of Doom, RRP ect) but never carried it past the 90s. Friend me if I'm ticking any boxes.