metformin users, need advice

ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
I am currently on metformin and was told by my doctor to work my way up to 2000mg over the course of 4 weeks. I am on the extrended relase btw. I have found taking 4 pills makes me sick, but last night we went out to dinner and had a much larger meal then I noramlly would and I decided to take 4. I feel absolutely terrible this morning. Stomach craps, headache, the works. Has anyone found anything that helps curb the side effects or do I just wait it out?


  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I no longer need my metformin as I was able to reverse my Type II Diabetes -- but I din't recall it ever affecting me in any way.

    Is it possible you're allergic? Are you taking anything else? Perhaps it is not playing nice with your other meds?
  • SandraMtaylor
    That seems like a lot to take at once. When I started taking metformin i too had stomach cramps. It took my body about 2 months to get use to all that medication. Don't take 4 at once. Don't know the side effects taking it all at once. Keep taking them and hopefully the side effects will disappear. You might be able to come off them if you lose weight. I was taking 850 mg 3 times a day and now i am taking 3 500 mg 3 times a day. Have a good day!!!
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    I am only on 500mg 1-2x daily, but you have to ease yourself into that. For the first week, take one in the late AM. The second week, One in the AM and one in the PM. Week three, Two in the AM, one in the PM. Week four Two and Two. If you don't, you'll be dog sick for a couple weeks, losing lots of valuable fluids.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    The side effects of Metformin are mainly gastrointestinal. If you avoid a lot of simple carbs, the side effects are usually lessened.
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    just curious.. or nosey...what is metformin used for??
  • mohawk1971
    mohawk1971 Posts: 40 Member
    Over the past 4 months I have been able to reverse my type 2 diabetes as well. Once on Byetta and Janumet, I am now only on metformin. The doctor says twice a day, but I take it once in the mornings.... Yes, your systoms are common with it. This is another reason I am working out and dieting hard so I can be off of diabetic medication once and for all soon.

    Good Luck to you.
  • johnsscarlett
    johnsscarlett Posts: 109 Member
    Wow. That seems so high. I am on it but only take 750mg a day. It too is time release. You should call your dr. and let him know. Good luck!
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    My doctor told me to take it with my biggest meal , dinner, once daily. I have learned my lesson, I can not handle 2000 mg, I will stick with 1500. This particular meal was a bit heavy on the carbs compared to my normal diet.

    I take it for PCOS. Others take it for Type II diabetes. It helps to regulate insulin levels so they do not spike.
  • gf320
    gf320 Posts: 13
    That sounds like a whole lot to take at once. I take 1000mg (500 x2 a day) and it tears me up sometimes, but sometimes I'm okay. I haven't really figured out what triggers it. Sometimes I'll eat a pb sandwich and it's enough, and sometimes a 5 course cheat meal isn't enough. I would talk to him and see if you can take a non-extended release throughout the day, or take 1000 in the morning, 1000 at night.

    Actually, try taking it all in the morning. It sounds awful, but you eat throughout the day so your stomach doesn't get a chance to sit, you know? I notice I'm worse at night. I'll wake up and have to run to the bathroom at 4am. It's awful.
  • gf320
    gf320 Posts: 13
    I no longer need my metformin as I was able to reverse my Type II Diabetes -- but I din't recall it ever affecting me in any way.

    Is it possible you're allergic? Are you taking anything else? Perhaps it is not playing nice with your other meds?

    You're lucky. Metformin is a nasty drug, it's known for having horrible side effects.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    That sounds like a whole lot to take at once. I take 1000mg (500 x2 a day) and it tears me up sometimes, but sometimes I'm okay. I haven't really figured out what triggers it. Sometimes I'll eat a pb sandwich and it's enough, and sometimes a 5 course cheat meal isn't enough. I would talk to him and see if you can take a non-extended release throughout the day, or take 1000 in the morning, 1000 at night.

    Actually, try taking it all in the morning. It sounds awful, but you eat throughout the day so your stomach doesn't get a chance to sit, you know? I notice I'm worse at night. I'll wake up and have to run to the bathroom at 4am. It's awful.

    I would suggest the extended release. The only time I have problems is when I take 2000 mg. I find my blood sugar will drop really low as well. When I take 1500 I have no problems.
  • gf320
    gf320 Posts: 13
    Maybe. I don't monitor my blood sugar, either. Which is probably something I should do. I feel like it drops really low, since I don't eat a lot of sugars/carbs, and I get really tired.
  • malyca
    malyca Posts: 2
    Metformin is primarily used to help control insulin resistance and diabetes. It is also used alot in relation to infertility - it helps you ovulate (and also for PCOS, as a PP pointed out).

    My RE put me on 2000mg but told me to work my way up to it. I started with one tablet and had some pretty severe side effects, but it settled after a day or two.. so I added another one, waited a few days for my body to get used to it again and then upped again.

    I tried taking it all at once, but honestly, when I got to 4 tablets I had four days straight of side effects. my RE actually recommends taking 2 in the morning with a meal and 2 at night with a meal, and that did the trick. Can you split the dosages up a bit?