Here I go again!

gottatry4me Posts: 8
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
I lost 35 pounds five years ago when my husband and I went to Jamaica to celebrate our 20th anniversay. I wore a bikini and actually looked great! I was so confident and happy. When we got home, I relaxed and gained a few pounds....then I gained a few more pounds....then just a few more and now here I am five years later looking at the scales and seeing that I have gained 25 pounds back from the 35 that I lost before we went to Jamaica. How did I let this happen? I worked so hard to lose that weight. Poor, poor me., poor fat, unatractive old me.......NO, I am not going to have a pitty party, it is time to get back on track! I want to feel GREAT get out the workout clothes, pick up the wieghts, jump on the tread mill, girl, because here I go again!!!


  • U go girl !!!!
  • Elmaunie
    Elmaunie Posts: 78 Member
    Good luck! It's so easy to gain just a few at a time. Hope you kept that bikini :)
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    My husband and I leave for our 10th wedding anniversary celebration in Jamaica in 3 weeks. I know I'm going to eat more than I usually do at home. I'm going to enjoy myself and deal with the consequences when we return. Thanks to MFP and all the wonderful people here, I WILL DO IT!
  • That's right! just get back up, dust yourself off and get moving again! You can do it and you will feel good, too!
  • RB411
    RB411 Posts: 5 Member
    Been there, done that. It is SO completely frustrating. I'm so frustrated with my weight that I finally put a very unattractive picture of me, plainly showing off my big fat belly, on the fridge. It has helped somewhat. :-) Do you have a picture of yourself in that bikini? Maybe try putting that on display as your motivation.
  • Thank you everyone for the encouragment!:blushing:
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