Not losing lbs....

kysue1029 Posts: 97 Member
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
Let me start off by saying that I am 27, 5'7" and currently weigh 155. I started at 177, so I have lost 17 lbs in about 45 days. I didn't really change much of what I was eating per say, just smaller quantity. So, if I wanted pizza, I would eat a light breakfast and lunch and then only eat 2 pieces instead of 3 with get the idea. I also gave up my favorite thing...Dr. Pepper (sniff, sniff).

I don't eat horrible in general, but I don't eat great either. I usually eat like peanut butter toast for breakfast, and then a baked potato, blueberries, and 100 calorie pack for lunch, and then some kind of grilled meat with veggies and a side for dinner. We throw some pizza or lasagna or soemthing not healthy in there once or twice a week. For snacks, I will eat an apple, orange, peanuts, 100 calorie pack, or rice cakes.

This last week, I have not lost anythings...not even 1/2 lb. I also started to drink a Diet Dr. Pepper once or twice a day. (Don't ask me why...I finally got over the lack of pop and started again). Through this, I have started to run. I ran 3 miles last night for the first time ever. I eat all 1200 calories every day and about 1/2 of my exercise calories.

What is going on? Do I need to start eating heathier things? I am wanting to lose about 15 more lbs. Is the rest of the weight loss going to be hard like this week? Suggestions PLEASE!!!


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    If you lost 17 pounds in 45 days(about 6 weeks), thats almost 3 pounds a week.. which is a lot! The recommended amount to lose a week is 1-2 pounds, unless you have a lot of weight to lose.

    I can't see your diary but maybe try upping your calories and see if that helps... also are you watching sodium intake? That can also throw your diet for a loop.
  • I hear you on giving up Dr. Pepper. It's like a drug addict giving up their drug of choice. It's sooo hard. Me being a former Dr. Pepper addict myself. Sometimes people hit a point where their body quits responding to the things that have been working, therefore you have to change it up a bit. Also, I have heard that the diet soda is just as bad for you. There are triggers in the diet soda that actually cause you to crave food, which in return makes you eat more or things you shouldn't. Hope that helps you a little.
  • kysue1029
    kysue1029 Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks! I lost 8 lbs the first two weeks really fast, but then it has slowed down to about 2 lbs a weeks since then. I am not watching my sodium intake...I will look into that! Thanks!
    ONCEALWAYS Posts: 6 Member
    I find that when I make healthier choices I get better results. I have given up the 100 calorie packs, they are nothing nutrition wise and in truth don't satisfy me, I have replace them with fruit as a snack.

    Your weight loss has been very good at about 3 pounds a week!

    It sounds like you may settle to 1-2 pounds a week which is what is recommended.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'm thinking water weight from sodium too, especially since you started drinking soda again. You can add sodium to your food diary to track it. Maybe try drinking one cup of water for every cup of diet Dr. Pepper?
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    It's only one week! There are going to be weeks when you don't lose any weight, even if you are doing EVERYthing right. When my hubby and I started doing 30 Day Shred, I lost only .2 pounds over two weeks...but I was seeing a definite change in my shape. All my clothes were falling off! Now this week the scale shows a 2 pound loss. Our bodies operate at their own pace, and we have to just be along for the ride. Keep working your program and wait it out...change will come! :)
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    you are half wy to your goal. RELAX and enjoy that you are still losing. if you begin to stress about on 1-2 what will you do when you have a bad couple of weeks and the scale dont move? we all hit those at some point. Stress and worrying about will only hinder the losses per week too. Nothing wrong with looking into what "can i do better" but just be sure to do the right things and enjoy the journey. Its not a trip around the corner by no means.. Good luck.
  • RunThisWeigh
    RunThisWeigh Posts: 13 Member
    It could be a lot of things, your weight fluctuates with hormones so maybe it could be close to that time of the month for you? I always weigh 2-3 lbs more for the week I'm on my period- it sucks! Just keep doing what you're doing and make sure you drink plenty of water, it curbs your appetite and also flushes out all the toxins in your body. Since you aren't extremely overweight, you will probably only consistently lose 1/2-1 lb a week. The slower it comes off, I find the easier it is to keep it off! If you lose 3 lbs in a week, it seems to come right back!!
  • You said you just started running. If you are not used to that then your muscles are going to hold onto water as they tear and repair themselves so water weight could be one reason your not seeing the scale move. Also pay attention to your sodium and make sure it isn't too high. You are doing great just stick with it.
  • kysue1029
    kysue1029 Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks everyone! I added sodium to my MFP thing and I didn't go over today. I also gave up the Diet Dr. Pepper. Here's to hoping I finally see a drop on the scale!
  • runningmanley
    runningmanley Posts: 9 Member
    I will add my 2 cents in as well. Make sure you get plenty of water at least the recommended 8 glasses a day. The last bit to lose will be the hardest, try shocking your system through a different exercise that you have not done in a while. That usually helps me get through plateaus.

    Live it a day at a time.
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