Starting C25k Today

I am really pumped and ready to get my work day over so I can start my training for a 5k marathon. I never thought I will be this excited about wanting to run, but here I am one month into MFP and I feel fantastic with my journey.

Any tips and suggestions are highly appreciative!



  • ncoester
    ncoester Posts: 9 Member
    Random thoughts about running from me....For me, good upbeat music is a must! Also, investing in good running shoes. One thing i didn't know that if you are running on a treadmill, bump the incline up to 1 or 2 because treadmills "0" setting is actually a slight decline. For months and months I couldn't out why I thought it was so much easier to run on the treadmill. Make sure to REALLY stretch after you run. Get a really good hamstring strech going and hold it for like a min each leg. Trust me! You will be able to run more if you take 10 min to strech your legs! The runner's high is REAL. Before I started running, I thought it didn't exist. It is amazing! You feel like you can run forever. Never thought I would feel like that. But if I made it, you CAN do it too! Good luck and enjoy the journey! All the hard work will pay off at the end. I felt like a million bucks after my first 5K!!
  • bobbiedr
    bobbiedr Posts: 260 Member
    Good luck on starting C25K. I finished mine a couple of weeks ago. Now I just run 30 minutes every M,W, & F.

    I signed up for a 5K in October so I am hoping that I'll be able to do this. The 30 minutes that I run is only at a 4.0 on my treadmill, and it's not even 2.5 miles so I have some serious training to do!

    I love C25K. Without it I would not have been able to run for 30 minutes. Even my husband is doing it now too!
  • bogoli
    bogoli Posts: 15
    One thing i didn't know that if you are running on a treadmill, bump the incline up to 1 or 2 because treadmills "0" setting is actually a slight decline.

    It's not that it's a decline, but the moving belt makes it easier to run because you don't have to propel yourself forward. Adding a little incline gives your workout just enough resistance to mimic running outside. Either way, add some incline! :)
  • JoseMedina21
    JoseMedina21 Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks for the tips, I will definitely remember to stretch out very well after running every night.