Didn't expect to fall off the wagon this hard.



  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I bet half of the 6 pounds are water weight from your high sodium foods. I gained a few pounds this summer so for three months I basically stayed the same (up and down stuff). That's called "maintenance". This is what happens to everyone.

    I still have a few to lose but am only losing a pound a month. When I "get there" nothing much will change except I get to eat 100 calories more or so. I gained 25# back last time, so this time I'm taking it really slowly so that I can maintain in a 6 pound range for life.

    You're doing fine. Just start logging again, lose the water weight over the next week or so, and you'll feel great and rejuvenate your determination.
  • kenzienal
    kenzienal Posts: 205 Member
    Wow, thank you everyone for the encouragement! Its nice not to feel alone, and you all are just very good at motivating!

    Two days down of logging everything. Feeling way more back in my groove then the last few attempts these past weeks. Still been over my 1500cal limit these two days, but gradually getting closer to the 1500 limit.

    Monday I was 225cal over my limit, so basically ate at maintenance. Scale didnt move. Dinner leftovers for lunch to blame.
    Tuesday, I was about 150 cal over my limit, due to a little bite of the breakfast casserole(overestimated my bite in MFP though) I made my SO, so that wasn't terrible.

    I actually hadn't planned out my dinner based on calories last night, and was scared my Venison Tenderloin with Bearnaise sauce, Four Cheese Pasta and Steamed Asparagus might have overdone it, but it wasn't as bad as I thought thanks to a small lunch!

    Today I woke up at 141.6lbs. Since I have only ate things that I personally have prepared these last two days, the bloating has gone down a good bit.

    Like someone mentioned, I have done it before, and I can do it again.

    I also want to add that I do Intermittent fasting which has not stopped since Nashville. I don't eat before 12pm, and stop eating after 8pm. It just goes to show that fasting does not work for weight loss without counting calories also.

    And who is questioning cheese & bacon fries?! My lanta they are delicious. Healthy? No, but there is a rare occasion I use to be able to fit them into my calories prior. And once I am back on track, I may be able to fit the rare occasion back in again. LOL

  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited September 2017

    interesting article I read on motivation, it's funny and not very long.
  • heumpirej
    heumpirej Posts: 12 Member
    Don't be afraid to fail.
  • starbird3
    starbird3 Posts: 11 Member
    You got this girl! I've been in your boat! Hell I'm still in your boat! I always have the "I'll indulge" or "I deserve it". But really we need to be creating lifestyle changes not temporary ways of eating. Always need to stay in control. So that indulgence should be one item, not one week of freedom. I know, I know, easier said than done!
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Girl I feel you I'm at 138 and I want to be down at 125 I still have a gut and I'm still very self conscious about it, but I mean any mention of my size or weight is just a depressive state for me. My 6 year old step son looked at me the other day and looked me dead in the soul and said I quote "I know how much you weigh, 200 pounds" not ragging on any weight whatsoever but I mean this ripped me apart so bad. My fiancé didn't understand why I was so upset over it becAuse he is a 6 year old but I mean I've worked so hard to be where I'm at and I'm still not happy. But anyways he knows his pappy is 204 pounds so he was saying I was as big as him, which really put a damper on my happiness about losing 20 pounds.