Time for a change.

So Ive tried to get on a good healthy life style a few times now...but now I'm the heaviest I've ever been and totally not happy with it at all. This time is gonna be differnt though I'm more motivated to accomplish this chapter in my life than ever before. Anyone want to help keep me motivated or need motivation themselves please add me.

I'm happily married for 5 years, I have two duaghters one is 4 and the other will be 2 in October. I'm just looking for a little encourgment kinnda doing this alone.

Also I have a quick Question: Is it better to be under calorie intake or over if your working out daily? I'm at a 1200 calorie intake but i dont always make it to 1200


  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    You actually need to eat more than the 1200 calories alloted if you're working out. If you don't eat the 1200 calories, MFP will tell you you're not eating enough. Your body will go into "starvation mode" and hang on the fat if you don't eat enoug calories. : D
  • gingermelv
    Ditto above!
  • sweetness1503
    sweetness1503 Posts: 28 Member
    Ok that's what I been wondering so my next question how do you know how many calories your supppose the be eating daily?
  • RayRay042408
    use the BMR calculator tool on here... based on your age height and weight it will tell you how many calories your body burns to stay alive... basically sitting on the couch... you should probably eat at least that much, and exercise to create your deficit. my BMR is 1639... and im having the same problem you are... the whole 1200 calorie thing, and i CANT even eat that much... with or without exercise... i've been throwing in the occasional donut or the regular white bread instead of whole wheat... or just bread in general when i wouldnt before... or the glass of soda or iced tea with actual sugar... still not getting anywhere near 1200 much less the 1500 im aiming for...

    i too have two kids. my daughter is 3 and my son is 3 months... i was eating countless calories every single day before i became conscious of how many calories are in the things i ate... and im still losing very slowly which surprises me, and is kind of discouraging... it has taken me fnding the MFP app on my phone to get me motivated and actually watching the numbers on my scale lower a little bit to get me motivated to do this... because i never thought id do it.

    just keep your head up and dont ever feel guilty or stupid for making good food and exercise decisions!!! it takes a strong kind of person to pass a cheesburger for a salad... & you're a mommy. u can do it!!