Amino acids and pre workouts

What are your thoughts on amino acids for muscle recovery and preworkout? I need something to give me a little boost, I've lost 24 lbs now and I'm at a standstill. I need some help please


  • MrStabbems
    MrStabbems Posts: 3,110 Member
    edited June 2017
    shiroky05 wrote: »
    What are your thoughts on amino acids for muscle recovery and preworkout? I need something to give me a little boost, I've lost 24 lbs now and I'm at a standstill. I need some help please

    There is a load of info out there about amino acids. I assume you mean bcaa's?

    From a biochemistry perspective amino acids are essential. Do you NEED them pre and or post workout? no. Might they help? maybe, quite a few studies out there to read and make your own judgement.

    Personally I have never noticed a difference taking them. I'd see if any adjustments in diet might help first, especially if you're lacking in energy.

    Experiment, it's the only way to find what works for you.
  • prethypants
    prethypants Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2017
    :p i always take bcaa after a good exercise. supposedly it helps. idk. im an idiot and will buy stuff if it gives me an edge.
  • cs4156
    cs4156 Posts: 27 Member
    I like amino (BCAAs) in my water before, during and after exercise because it helps me drink more water, not sure I notice a difference with muscle recovery and energy. Guess I will have to stop using it and see? With any supplement - I hear that is how to tell the "poor mans way" without blood tests etc. Use it for 90 days then stop, if you feel a difference it works, if not your wasting your money.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    edited June 2017
    Total daily protein > timed protein > whey > bcaa.

    Bcaas are generally only beneficial if you are working out faster and don't plan on eating for a while after.

    If you are at a stand still with losing weight, check your logging practices and potentially take a diet break. If its a training issue, do you have deloads built into the program and what is the program.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    BCAAs are important to ingest on a daily basis, but many protein sources, such as meat and eggs, already provide BCAAs. Supplementation is unnecessary for people with a sufficiently high protein intake (1-1.5g per kg of bodyweight a day or more).
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    If you're meeting your protein goals, you're likely getting enough BCAA's.

    As for you 24 lbs loss, was it fast? Did you do extreme calorie deficit?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • shiroky05
    shiroky05 Posts: 4 Member
    @ninerbuff I fell off the wagon for a bit. I am currently down 25-30 lbs depending on the day. I started in February and have reached a stand still. I am currently about 235 and would like to be 140 by this time next year (probably not reasonable). I'm not sure I understand that calorie deficit either, I feel like I go to the gym (when I go) I'm trying to get in the habit, but feel nothing happens. Maybe I'm just impatient, but I have a goal just having a hard time getting back on it.