20in6 DAILY CHAT Week 2 [closed]



  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hiya, its a new month, this month i have a holiday that need to make sure that i don't go off track and gain back all the good stuff i have started last month. The kids have been off on school holidays which has been really difficult with trips to cinema and lots of temptation, i have buckled and given only to feel terribly guilty later and when the kids are off i can't get to the gym, i can't believe i'm saying this but i miss the gym bad. Have tried to make up the excercise minutes by taking the kids swimming and for walks but its not like my old workout regime. :sad:
  • aoifebr
    aoifebr Posts: 92
    Hello fellow 20in6er how is everyone going? You've all gone very quite - are you will with us or have you given up...

    To be honest I'm a little frustrated the numbers arent dropping so quickly (yes I've been naughty & doing extra weight in's but I promise no more until Thursday) but I know I'm putting the right practices in place by getting my eating organised & regular & I'm missing exercising on my rest days so I'm not being too hard on myself - beside I have 62 days until my big trip!!!

    Katie set us the target of 240 min this week - how are you tracking? She's killing it with the new bike (dont over do it young lady :wink: ) so far I've logged 60min *4 woohoo with another 60 min boxing session to go... How are you going? Reach out if you need help yeah - there's no point in struggling on your own.

    Great attitude Shelley & Katie, its the start of a new month & a new start right... Take it one step at a time, one day at a time.
  • gorguslyjealous
    gorguslyjealous Posts: 78 Member
    Hey everyone!! Thanks for the positive encouragement for my 5K I did it with success! (finished in 40 minutes! - faster than my training time!)

    I am SO tired/not feeling too great today... woke up Sunday with a sore throat and just feel icky - I'm hoping it goes away soon! Well I had a CRAP weekend for sure - I went over quite a bit on Saturday AND sunday with calories - but I'm not going to beat myself up about it, just start fresh today && hope for a good rest of the week!

    I'm happy that everyone else is doing great so far && working out awesomely! I'm proud of all of you!!

    Can we talk about the fact that it's already AUGUST - what the heck?! Only 14 more days till my birthday, EEK!
  • marieuno
    marieuno Posts: 16 Member
    Saturday and Sunday were a bust. I eat over my cals and no exercise. But this morning I hit the ground running. Cleaned house, did a online workout and packed my goodies for the day. I am ready to hit the gym after work and log a total of 90 mins exercise for the day. I believe that I can make this week still count.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I hope everyone is having a great day! It is the start of a new week and a new month! I know August is going to be such a great month for us as we finish up this challenge!

    I have been putting in my minutes, but for the past few days I have been so wicked tired! I could fall asleep anywhere and anytime! Then yesterday I woke up and had gained a pound, I didn't freak out about it, but today I woke up and fuond I lost that pound plus 2.4 pounds more...so I did freak out with excitement! I'm going to put all that energy and excitement into my workouts!
    I'm starting the 30DS this evening and I'm a bit nervous about it. I have seen so many MFP members get great results and I hope to be one of those people in 30 days! Wish me luck!

    Ashley congrats on your 5K in 40 mins! That is sooo awesome! I hope that you are feeling better so that you can enjoy that milestone and rock out the rest of this month .. not mention your b-day!

    Charmaine- You certainly can make this week count! Each day, each meal in fact, is an opportunity to get back on track and focus on our goals again. You have 4 days until our weigh-in and that is a lot of time to make things happen! I hope you had a great workout this evening!

    Shelley, isn't it a strange feeling when you actually miss the work outs? I think it shows that we have really turned this into a lifestyle change and it isn't so temporary. i hope you and your family enjoy your holidays and don't fall into too much temptation!

    Aoife, we are still here.. just not all of us it seems! i am like you in that I weigh myself far more often than I should! For me I want to see how my eating, drinking, and exercise habits affect my body the next day. Like if I don't drink enough water, I can seriously feel and see a difference! However, I do get frustrated when I don't see the drop and think about all the work I put in and how it should have dropped! i guess that is why NSV's are so important! Keep at it .. and thanks for all the energy you bring to this thread! I do appreciate it so much!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    DAY 13!!!! Can't say much more because I've got a fussy baby who is STILL awake!!!

    I loved reading everyone's posts today!!! I did my first day of p90x and as a feel good (you remember those, right??) I took a niiiiiice bubble bath. ;-) See you tomorrow gals!
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member

    This morning I was feeling really dishearted about my weight and that I can't get to the gym, I got some really lovely supportive messages from my fellow MFP pals and went home for lunch and over my usual bowl of soup I spoke to my boyfriend and told him my feelings, he was really understanding and said go to the gym after work tonight and I'll have the kids. Really super excited to getting back to the gym I need it.

    Sarah, yes your absolutely right i'm worried about going on holiday and indulging, I love holidays but there is a downside, I will make sure I take my pedometer and do lots of walking.

    Have a fabulous day, on happy excited camper!
  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    hey guys hope you're all well!! sorry I haven't posted much been struggling with my BPD and not had much to say. I'm a slave to the scale and weigh daily aofie so don't worry lol. well done to Ashley on your 5k!! and well done to all of you no matter whether you're on track or not so long as you're trying. I don't post much atm but I'm about so if u need any support feel free to message me xxx
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Hope you all had a good day! I'm pretty beat still from my workout yesterday, and I gotta do it again here soon! I am so ready for summer to be done! I hate working out in the heat, and I hate too cook anything because it is just too hot! Any who, I'm not sure what my feel good will be today ...a bubble bath does sound good!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    DAY 14! Last day before weigh in!!!!!! How did everyone do today? Thanks to everyone who's been active :D

    P90X is HARD! Awesome.... but HARD. I'm afraid my weight won't go down because of all the muscle-building stuff they focus on, but hopefully I lose a TON of inches!!!! Today my feel good was taking a nap with my little babe <3

    Keep on it, ladies!!!!! I believe in ALL of you!! Thank you for your participation and encouragement!
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hiya, Hope you all well. I had a fab workout at the gym, felt so much better last night and so I have just checked the balance of my active minutes, so far 306 minutes and still off to the gym tonight. I used to dread exercise but now I completely enjoy it after I have done. I'm scared off the scales tomorrow cause I have eaten out quite alot this week. :blushing:
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    had a hard core two days! did a 2 hour hike yesterday and a 1 hour gym session and 1 hour walk/run today! I am weak but still have the 30 ds to do soon! day 3...well day two but couldnt do it yesti due to wasnt home :(
  • aoifebr
    aoifebr Posts: 92
    Great work Shelly & Lesley isnt it amazing how we now enjoy exercising... I'm really (!) looking forward to my 6.30 am session tomorrow (seriously a month ago I was bit*hing no end about morning sessions).

    More importantly I can't wait to seeing everyone's weight in results. Personally ld LOVE to be under 87kg but I think that's a bit ambitious & 87.5 might be more accurate... Good luck!!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Shelley - Awesome!! It's so weird to WANT to work out, but I usually do! I just feel so great about myself when I'm done!

    Lesley - Yay!!!! I can't wait to get one, i'm just waiting for payday!!

    Aoife - I am SO not a morning person... I can't even imagine wanting to get up so early! I'm super proud of you!!

    WEIGH IN THREAD IS HERE: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/308074-20in6-weigh-in-for-week-2-closed


    Edit: I forgot! It's DAY 15!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    NEW DAILY CHAT THREAD FOR WEEK 3: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/309114-20in6-daily-chat-week-3-closed

    DON'T POST HERE, POST THERE! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^