IN SEARCH Of women in the 168 lb range

Hi friends,
My name is Lisa and I have a two year old daughter. I lost all the baby weight but I am working hard to loose the rest of the weight. My goal is 150 lbs. I currently weigh 168 and am 5 feet 5 inches tall. I would love to add women that are close to my weight range on here to see what you are eating and to encourage each other. If you would like to do the same please add me.

Thank you


  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    We have very similar stats. I'll send a friend request. :smile:
  • LiveLoveFitFab
    LiveLoveFitFab Posts: 302 Member
    164 here. Goal weight is 130lbs though. I'm a shorty with small bones. I'll add you!
  • gerbradaisy44
    gerbradaisy44 Posts: 43 Member
    I am larger frame. But would love to have a smaller one lol. Just add you ladies.
  • Janice6543
    Janice6543 Posts: 92 Member
    Nearly the same as you. 5'6" and 165 lbs. I'll add you.
  • It seems I'm on the tall side here!
    Hi I'm Rebma!
    5'8.5" and Currently 161. Started out at 305 and am also looking for friends to keep me motivated in this final push!
    Medium frame.
    This is the smallest I've been since puberty so I can't quite pick a goal weight, am thinking 135-145

  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    I'm 5 ft 2, and weighed in at 166.2 this a.m. My short term goal is to get to 164 by next Friday. I'd like to eventually get down into the mid 120s to 130s. I am small framed, so I could technically weigh as low as 115, but thats too overwhelmimg to take on right now. I will rejoice at 150!
  • luckywizard
    luckywizard Posts: 71 Member
    I'm 5'7, 35 years old, and 170 with 35% body fat. Theoretically I would like to get to 140, but I'd be thrilled just to get to 27% body fat. You can friend me anytime! My food diary is public
  • SRP0310
    SRP0310 Posts: 3 Member
    I m 5'4 and weigh 169 pounds. Struggling with weight ..On and off the wagon.
  • chris5602
    chris5602 Posts: 31 Member
    It seems I'm on the tall side here!
    Hi I'm Rebma!
    5'8.5" and Currently 161. Started out at 305 and am also looking for friends to keep me motivated in this final push!
    Medium frame.
    This is the smallest I've been since puberty so I can't quite pick a goal weight, am thinking 135-145

    Hi Rebma. I would love to connect. I'm the same height and have the same goal weight. You are a bit ahead of me as I'm sitting around 170.
  • luckywizard
    luckywizard Posts: 71 Member
    It looks like there are enough of us to make a group!
  • AdriadneDaphne
    AdriadneDaphne Posts: 13 Member
    Heya - I'd be keen to join an accountability group with you ladies! 5'3", 168.0 exactly this morning. I'll be 27 in about a month and I'd like to get back on track with my health goals.
    I say ultimately I'd like to see 128lb but really it'll be more about the size and quality of my body definition instead of a firm weight goal. The fittest I've ever been I got down to 140.
  • EllyAHJ
    EllyAHJ Posts: 27 Member
    Hi there!

    I am a little over right now, but definitely in the same range. Really needing some support and motivation. Two kids. 5'5" and 176. Scale not shifting...
  • jrowden0711
    jrowden0711 Posts: 136 Member
    5'3" and 167 lb here. GW is 130ish. I started at 247 lb, so I've been at it for awhile. Would love to have friends with similar stats/goals. Feel free to add me!
  • Erika_1975
    Erika_1975 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi there, I'm 5'7" and 41 yrs old. CW 166. My GW is 150, and then I will reevaluate. The smallest weight I can remember is 140 in Gr 11 but have always felt on the plump side. I have a 1yr old and a 5yr old. I am new to posting and would love to have similar sized friends!
  • anlanbear
    anlanbear Posts: 5 Member
    hi, similar bmi, height 5'6" weight last month (dr. s office) 166 #, would love to share tips and challenges and successes
  • nickylee76
    nickylee76 Posts: 629 Member
    Similar also 5'6" at 166 currently. Reached 149 once and it was almost perfect for me. Want to get there again.
  • gerbradaisy44
    gerbradaisy44 Posts: 43 Member
    You will get there!
  • olive1968
    olive1968 Posts: 148 Member
    5'4", 173 this morning. Goal is 145. I'm on board!
  • kaluarhody
    kaluarhody Posts: 1 Member
    5'5, 168 lbs. 36 years old, two kids (3&5), goal weight is ideally 140 but I'd be happy with 150
  • Jashia17
    Jashia17 Posts: 1 Member
    5'6" and 163 lbs I'm 18 and although I don't have kids I've got 2 way younger siblings I take care of my ideal weight is 130 lbs even 140 lbs I would love some tips and I'm new on here so I don't exactly know how to add people