Silly question lol

I was just wondering if anyone gets a random, giant pimple in places they never have before while losing weight? I mentioned it to my sister and she said "OMG I do too, it's part of your body's way of clearing out some of the crap you were eating for so long" sounds legit but wondering if anyone else has this happen. I've gotten one on my hip, elbow, back of knee lol just to name a few and this has never happened to me before.


  • x_stephisaur_x
    x_stephisaur_x Posts: 149 Member
    Not in random places that I’ve noticed, but I do definitely find I get more pimples when I’m losing weight! It settles down after a couple of weeks for me x
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    no :o iv always had bad skin along my jaw line which sucks but i havent noticed it get beter or worse- Only thing that made any difference was cutting out dairy fully. Used to sort of eat it just on occasion in a slice of pizza or some icecream. Dairy definatly made my acne appear alot more. So maybe its in something youve added/subtracted your body liked/disliked. No idea. Wouldnt worry about it though just do whats good for your body and it adjusts :p
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    Body fat stores some fat-soluble things like estrogen. Losing weight can give you a hormone boost from time to time when you lose pockets of fat that happen to be storing them.

    I had a rough couple of months part-way through my weight loss and I even thought about stopping there if I was going to be having those physical and emotional issues from weight loss. I was not fun to be around. However, I persisted and things got better. I did some research and found that my experience wasn't unusual. I still had the occasional "suddenly a teenager again" issue occasionally as I lost the rest of my excess weight but I knew what was happening and powered through.
  • KKowalski2008
    KKowalski2008 Posts: 7 Member
    The same thing is happening to me, I have a big one on my hip as well, it is just a big red bump with no head. I was not sure why that happened either. But it deffinantly is nice to know that I'm not the only one this is happening to.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    Meghanebk wrote: »
    No, I haven't.
    Clogged pores and bacteria or other infections cause skin pustules, not "crap you were eating." Sometimes hormonal changes due to estrogen in fat stores increase acne. But if you're exercising more in sweaty or restrictive clothes/going to a gym it's easier to pick up those minor skin infections that show up as boils or pimples. Or to irritate some areas into a rash.

    I agree. I have always had great skin and get a pimple or two around that time of the month. if what you ate had any bearing on acne then I as a kid should have had severe acne.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Meghanebk wrote: »
    No, I haven't.
    Clogged pores and bacteria or other infections cause skin pustules, not "crap you were eating." Sometimes hormonal changes due to estrogen in fat stores increase acne. But if you're exercising more in sweaty or restrictive clothes/going to a gym it's easier to pick up those minor skin infections that show up as boils or pimples. Or to irritate some areas into a rash.

    Agreed. Iv always "blamed" majority of my acne on PCOS my hormones are screwy and so my skin is screwy. Its why i eat a rediculously "clean" diet -literally only fruit and veg- For health and i just enjoy eating this way, And still have acne. What you eat can as i said effect it, Like i said above dairy causes my body to react to it and panic and causes acne. But overall its not "the crap i was eating is detoxing through my skin" Its all about hormone regulation and minimizing of foods that cause your body these inflammatory responses that help acne, Keeping skin clean etc. And vice versa.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I haven't noticed pimples popping up in odd places nor more than normal for me.
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    Not really! I always get a few pimples on my jawline or a random one on my cheek, but only around TOM.
  • daisyfields79
    daisyfields79 Posts: 69 Member
    Thank you all for your responses.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,577 Member
    This may not be the case for you, but I'm mentioning it just in case: A too-large calorie deficit (too fast loss rate) can depress one's immune system, making one a little more susceptible to any kind of infection, including pimples.

    If your loss rate is conservative, ignore this comment. ;)