Throwing out old clothes



  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    At my goal weight I'm a 6. I also keep 8's stored away - mainly jeans and shorts - typically I'm a 6 in the summer (just naturally more active) and an 8 in the winter.

    I started out at 193 in 2011 (size 16), everything from 16 to 8 are LONG gone.
  • mail2dijaw
    mail2dijaw Posts: 36 Member
    nearly everyone in MFP done this
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    donate all the clothes, including the not so good stuff as most charity shops will sell the unusuable clothing for rags
  • Meghanebk
    Meghanebk Posts: 321 Member
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    Why would you NOT do this? People here talk about having 20 years worth of clothes stuffed into their closets and basements. I never understood why people keep stuff around that's not useful to them. It's just a waste of space and something else to keep organized. Keep what is useful on a year-long timeframe, and donate or ditch the rest. Go for it!

    Well, it's a budget thing for me. A new pair of jeans is $35, since thrift shops never have anything that fits me. So I hang on to a lot more of my old clothes than many people. If I go up or down a size or two or we get an unseasonably cold winter I can't afford to be impulse shopping. Though the only 20 year old things I have are sentimental keepsakes.
  • rockn3babies
    rockn3babies Posts: 6 Member
    Just donated all of mine last week. I changed by six sizes. So nothing fits anymore.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    Why would you NOT do this? People here talk about having 20 years worth of clothes stuffed into their closets and basements. I never understood why people keep stuff around that's not useful to them. It's just a waste of space and something else to keep organized. Keep what is useful on a year-long timeframe, and donate or ditch the rest. Go for it!

    I mean how do we know crushed velvet isn't going to come back in style? High waist jeans? Rompers? Ugly holiday sweaters are eternal! :wink:

    literally everything you listed is in now lol at the mall yesterday I saw crushed velvet shoes and tops.
  • twinkles4
    twinkles4 Posts: 124 Member
    I donated all my 3x clothes. I had the same thought, I'm never letting myself return to that weight, so just get rid of them. But, I regret it. I wish i had kept 1 outfit, or at least 1 pair of pants so I could do that before and after photo of smaller me in a large pair of pants.
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    edited September 2017
    There is a stack of clothes on my dresser as I type this that I intend to take to the Goodwill this weekend. And I'm going out pants shopping. It's a good feeling!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Sunna_W wrote: »
    Yes. However, depending on the quality of the pieces, perhaps some can be tailored to fit you again.

    I donated a lot of mine but I'm keeping my favorites including a pair of twill pants I got tailored. Some things are timeless.

    Just wore a crushed velvet tailored jacket today and rocked that sucker. ;)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Yup. I donate clothes all the time.
  • AMV91
    AMV91 Posts: 86 Member
    Yes and I so wish I didn't haha.

    I was a size 14 before getting pregnant with my second and I had given away all my 16+ clothing. Not only would I have had to buy less during my pregnancy but now I'm sitting at an 18 and have to buy a few new things.

    If your not planning anything major you'd likely be safe, keep an outfit though! Its very fun to try on and see how much smaller you are.
  • taziarj
    taziarj Posts: 243 Member
    edited September 2017
    You may want to wait until you are at maintenance for a year. Chances of long term success are not always that high. Just like gym membership aren't a proven method to guaranty you will go to the gym. getting rid of all your old clothes is not a guaranty that you won't gain the weight back. You really don't want to have to spend more money for new bigger clothes down the road. Not trying to be negative, just realistic. Wait until you are at maintenance for a while, or you have lost enough weight that you are down multiple sizes, not just one or two. Then donate the largest size, but still keep clothes that are up a size or two.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Not sure if this is the correct section to post but here goes.

    I've gone from a 38 waist to a 34 and recently decided to throw out / donate old bigger clothes which no longer fit.
    Main reason was it was like leaving the past behind and planning on never returning to that weight. Anyone else ever done this?

    Most people do this. Don't throw them out and don't give them to a for-profit organization like Goodwill. Find a local homeless or domestic abuse shelter and donate to them instead. They will also take nicer things and give them to people who can wear them on job interviews.
  • meganpettigrew86
    meganpettigrew86 Posts: 349 Member
    Just donated 3 bags yesterday and threw out another... my wardrobe looks empty... loving it
  • Bereuribea
    Bereuribea Posts: 5 Member
    Its such an incredible feeling !!. Its like telling your brain. There's no return...

    Better stick to the new size.

    Good job!!!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    People get so picky about where others donate their goods.. smh
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    good news. I've thrown out the really huge ones, donated a bunch as well.

    I do have a large tote in the basement where I keep my favorites that are a little big. They make good work clothes and give me some flex room for winter where i tend to gain a few pounds.
  • I made a pact once I went down dress sizes.
    For every new item I purchase I donate 1-2 older bigger items.
    I only purchase the basics now and mix and match and accessorise.
    It is liberating to open the robe and know I can choose anything and know it fits. :)B)