Newbie but taking my first steps

Hi, a few months back I decided I was going to lose weight...for myself. I am happy, but just not when I look in the mirror. I lost 25lbs but I was taking Phen and it gave me major headaches and made me not want to eat. A few weeks later I got laid off. So I have gained back 10lbs. I guess I am writing this because I have decided if I'm going to do this then I need to be ALL in and do it the right way.

I am 5'5 and currently 185lb. I am very pear shaped. I carry way too much weight in my butt and thighs. I know that's not always a bad thing but you have to understand that it does not make me happy. I have anxiety and social anxiety. My "butt" gets too much attention and I just want to disappear.

My struggles are that a personal trainer is not financially an option, I am currently so out of shape stamina wise that I wouldn't even be ready for beginners classes, what do you eat when you are on a budget and in a rural area when fast food is way cheaper and quicker, and I have a picky taste buds (sweet potatoes-never happening). As I type this now I already see the uphill battle that I am facing and already feel my flight or flight instincts kicking in....

Just tell me I'm not alone in this?


  • geltner1
    geltner1 Posts: 85 Member
    If you start logging your food and it starts to become a habit, the weight loss will follow and then your motivation will continue. If you are out of shape, start with free exercise. Some possibles are walking, jogging, body weight exercises. Try youtube for some routines. The library has many DVD's for dance exercise, yoga and lots of other types of exercise that you can do at home. Please try to think of fast-food as the poison that it is.
  • jlhflex
    jlhflex Posts: 107 Member
    Hey Kayla Dont beat yourself up. You are not alone in this battle. Its not about what others think of you but what you think of yourself. You have to do what makes you happy! I'm going to add you. If you ever have questions or need help, please let me know. I can give you advise if you want.
  • B_MG1994
    B_MG1994 Posts: 8 Member
    You're definitely not alone! A lifestyle change is an intimidating thing. It doesn't have to be hard though and it's definitely not impossible. With diet, start off just tracking everything you normally eat. Be completely honest with it. See how many calories you're consuming. Then, see what you could cut back on, or substitue with a healthier or less ring them in calorie dense option. Make the changes slowly if that would make it easier for you.

    I also live in a rural area, and I don't have a lot of money. I eat a lot of boneless skinless chicken breast (baked or crock pot), steamed broccoli (but most vegetables are pretty good calorie wise), salad (but be careful with the dressing), bran cereal (gotta get enough fiber), oatmeal, cottage cheese, greek yogurt (regular is packed with sugar), fresh fruits on occasion, nuts, and protein shakes/smoothies. Some things you might learn to like, or you can hide them in other foods (sauces, smoothies, etc.) Or try preparing them in different ways; roasted, steamed, stir fried, and experiment with seasonings. Homemade soups can be great as well, just be careful with the salt. To save time, I do meal prep. I do all of my cooking for the week at once, weigh it all into the portions I want and refrigerate/freeze it. Always weigh EVERYTHING lol.

    As far as exercise, start small and work your way up. You'll be surprised how much progress you can make in a short time.

    You'll make it, we all will. I started at 350lbs. I'm currently down to 260. I'm aiming for 170. I never thought I would make it this far, now I'm more determined than ever. All you have to do is do it!