satiety foods for weight loss

Can someone please recommend good satiety foods? I am trying to lose weight and do fine for a while. But unless I feel full and satisfied, I tend to cave in and overeat


  • Myamya123
    Myamya123 Posts: 30 Member
    For breakfast or lunch i normally have a sandwich which consists of rye bread, deli meat, tomato, lettuce, pickle and mustard. clocks in around 250 cals. Which is super low for a sandwich, and i load it up! Very filling.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Feelings of hunger satiety are subjective, habitual and situational, and what brings satiety is also individual, habitual and situational. But some things are pretty universal - without enough food and balanced diets, we starve. What's your height and weight, your calorie goal, and if you track macros, what are they set to? Do you aim to hit your goal(s) every day? If you can't stick to your goal(s), how far off are you? Are there certain times and places that are more difficult than others - can you see a pattern?
  • karynclarke
    karynclarke Posts: 184 Member
    Personally, I find protein+fat+fibre keeps me feeling fuller for longer. I also eat smaller meals, but more often, I break my day into 5 (250-450 ish calories) meals. From 7pm to 8pm is the only time I really feel hungry, but that's the longest stretch between eating. Last break at work is at 3:30 and I don't get home until 8.

    My macros work out on average to 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat.
  • jvcinv
    jvcinv Posts: 504 Member
    I eat a lot of vegetables as they fill me up, a moderate amount of protein, and I'm liberal with fats (olive oil, avocado, butter, coconut oil). If I maintain this as the core of my meals I get really full and satiated. I only eat once a day so it's more of a feast than a meal!
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    This is something you're going to have to experiment with to find what's right for you. I personally need protein, starch and a smidge of fat to feel satiated, but that's just me. Other people need a lot of fat and a bit of protein. Still other people need lots of fiber and protein. Unless there was starch and fat involved, that wouldn't satisfy me.

    I'm giving these examples to show you how much variety there is and to give you ideas of things to try.

    Pay attention to your meals and what works. Make notes if you have to. Also be aware that your situation in regards to satiety may change over time, depending on certain factors.

    This macro mix wasn't necessary for my satiety until I became more active. When I was less active, I needed fat/fiber/protein to feel full. I scrambled for a while when I started feeling hungry on my old standby!
  • jvcinv
    jvcinv Posts: 504 Member
    That's an excellent point @GottaBurnEmAll , your activity level is a big factor in determining what makes you satiated.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    How many calories are you eating?

    I find fat makes a big difference for me. Full fat salad dressing, ect.
  • wectmall
    wectmall Posts: 50 Member
    I weigh 122. My calories are set to 1200. Would like to lose about 12 pounds. I find when I eat junk/processed food, I tend to crave more of it almost immediately, so I am not able to use those as satiety foods. Apples, grapes and bananas will only keep me full for an hour or so. Turkey, chicken and beef works for about 3 hours. I guess I will just keep looking and testing things out...
  • wectmall
    wectmall Posts: 50 Member
    forgot to mention
    I am 5 2"
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    This is a pretty individual thing.

    I do best eating quite a bit of complex carbohydrates like beans, lentils, potatoes and other root vegetables, whole oats, etc...I can eat fat endlessly for days left to my own devices.

    You also need to make sure you're taking in enough calories for your activity level...a lot of people are hungry because they're eating like a bird and doing tons of exercise and/or other activity and simply aren't eating appropriately for what they're doing.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    wectmall wrote: »
    I weigh 122. My calories are set to 1200. Would like to lose about 12 pounds. I find when I eat junk/processed food, I tend to crave more of it almost immediately, so I am not able to use those as satiety foods. Apples, grapes and bananas will only keep me full for an hour or so. Turkey, chicken and beef works for about 3 hours. I guess I will just keep looking and testing things out...

    Try adding some vegetables, grains, and beans to your meals and see if that helps. A diet of just meat and fruit would leave me really hungry too.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited September 2017
    Junk food is called that because it isn't very nutritious, but still calorie dense for little volume - and it's nutrients, and often volume, that makes people feel full - so no surprise if you don't find junk food satiating. Only fruit would be an unbalanced meal (meaning: only providing parts of the nutrition you need). A good meal should make you feel satisfied (but not full) until your next meal.

    I find my balance by eating some food from several food groups (meat/fish, starch, vegetables, and fat) for each meal; and different things, including fruit, maybe nuts, through the day and from day to day, is important too, not just for satiety (I tend to feel more full when I've eaten something for the first time in a while), but also to avoid getting bored.
  • GlassAngyl
    GlassAngyl Posts: 478 Member
    As everyone said here, it's subjective.

    Try a baked potato with grilled onion and sour cream. Low cal, but filling and lasts awhile for me. You may be different.

    Grilled romaine head also works for me.

    Eggs too. I like to boil two eggs and prepare it like egg salad, then use THAT as my dressing on a salad. Taste good and is filling. Tuna or chicken salad works as well if you want meat instead.

    All low calorie but oddly satiating. If these don't work, some people find that drinking water before eating works.. or even broth. Don't work for me but maybe you are a lucky person that can use that trick to your advantage.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    wectmall wrote: »
    I weigh 122. My calories are set to 1200. Would like to lose about 12 pounds. I find when I eat junk/processed food, I tend to crave more of it almost immediately, so I am not able to use those as satiety foods. Apples, grapes and bananas will only keep me full for an hour or so. Turkey, chicken and beef works for about 3 hours. I guess I will just keep looking and testing things out...

    Well junk food doesn't work for anything, it's gone from your belly in a flash. Same with fast food.
    Apples and carrots and things like that are basically empty calories because you expend as much as they give you as you're chewing and digesting it, also for me I'll eat a carrot and immediately be hungrier AFTER I eat it. It's ridiculous!
    Protein and vegetables and fiber heavy foods are good. Notice you say the meats work for about three hours? Vegetables are often low in calories and high in nutrients, especially green ones, and can fill you up, but they often go away fast. So that's what the fiber helps. Protein dense foods are what keep you Fuller longer, like meat, so I'd say ditch the junk food except for maybe once a week until you can cut it out completely, and replace those calories with protein dense and fiber dense foods.

    Some people count calories and some people count only macros.

    Apples and carrots are not "empty calories." They aren't very filling for some people, but that doesn't mean that chewing and digesting them results in them being a zero calorie food. That's a myth.
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    Protein and fat for me. Carbs are like a bottomless pit for me.
    Here are my go to meals that I eat A LOT
    Breakfast: egg white, tomato, avocado, spinach on a bagel thin
    Lunch: big salad with a side of grilled chicken or pork loin
    Dinner: baked veggies with bulk chicken sausage, or bratwurst with a side of veggies
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Protein and fat for me. Carbs are like a bottomless pit for me.
    Here are my go to meals that I eat A LOT
    Breakfast: egg white, tomato, avocado, spinach on a bagel thin
    Lunch: big salad with a side of grilled chicken or pork loin
    Dinner: baked veggies with bulk chicken sausage, or bratwurst with a side of veggies

    It sounds like some carbohydrates are okay for you, many people find that to be the case. It's certain carbohydrate-containing foods that don't fill them up, not the mere presence of carbohydrates themselves.
  • GlassAngyl
    GlassAngyl Posts: 478 Member
    Protein and fat for me. Carbs are like a bottomless pit for me.
    Here are my go to meals that I eat A LOT
    Breakfast: egg white, tomato, avocado, spinach on a bagel thin
    Lunch: big salad with a side of grilled chicken or pork loin
    Dinner: baked veggies with bulk chicken sausage, or bratwurst with a side of veggies

    It sounds like some carbohydrates are okay for you, many people find that to be the case. It's certain carbohydrate-containing foods that don't fill them up, not the mere presence of carbohydrates themselves.

    That's how it is for me. Manmade carbs is BAD for me. God made seems to work better, namely potatos. I hate rice and corn so no clue if that works.
  • bweath2
    bweath2 Posts: 147 Member
    I eat a lot of eggs (usually hard boiled) because they fill me up. Also, having some cooked shrimp in the fridge is a quick filling snack.