Hello :)

Hi everyone!

I'm not necessarily new to MFP, but I'm trying for a fresh start! MFP worked for me a few months ago (I lost about 10lbs), but eventually I gained it back, and then some. I have struggled with this yo-yo effect for about 2 years now, ever since I quit my collegiate athletic career. Having been a competitive swimmer since the age of 8, I have always been able to eat whatever I wanted without weight gain. Now that swimming is not an everyday activity, I find myself struggling to keep my body fit. I know how to exercise and that both cardio and weights are important, but I guess I'm looking for some motivation and encouragement to keep eating healthy and to finally lose weight and get back on track!

I would also like to know what kinds of online workouts that others are using that have worked for them! I go to the gym, but I like trying new exercises at home!

As of now, my goal is to lose about 20lbs. I'm hoping to set up some kind of reward system to keep myself going!


  • Chel702
    Chel702 Posts: 23
    Welcome back to MFP!! I know how you feel about the yo you effect, its so frustrating & stressful, but I try no to let it get to me because they say the more you stress the harder it is to lose weight. Feel free to add me as your friend :smile:
  • bobie1978
    bobie1978 Posts: 204 Member
    I am the same way gain and lose all the time :) Feel free to add me as well. I have used MFP for a while but just joined the message boards today.
  • cbond74
    cbond74 Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome back!! You can do this! I workout from home with the Turbo Fire DVD's...love it!!