Inspiration needed !!

Hey guys,

Does anybody have any meal ideas/food plans etc ?? Getting stuck now and wanting some Inspiration as I've not lost any weight in 2 weeks but I'm cautious to calorie drop as I'm breastfeeding.

About me:
Height- 5'11
Weight- 143lbs
1594 calories a day intake
45% protien 30% fat 25% carb
30 minute gym circuit a day

Thanks !!!!


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    That's a lot of protein. And that's a low weight for someone your height. Are you sure you need to lose weight, and that much protein?
  • jessrosetomkmarley
    jessrosetomkmarley Posts: 8 Member
    edited September 2017
    I do have quite a bit of access weight on my arms and belly from baby that I wanted to get rid of, I wasn't aware that it was low. The protien/carb/fat figures are ones the gym gave for a boot camp people are doing, it is hard to hit though ! Thanks
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I think a lot will fall into place when you go for a normal, healthy weight (which you already have) and a normal, healthy diet (which you may prefer anyway).
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,078 Member
    edited September 2017
    You are welcome to add me, my net calorie goal is around 1500-1600 calories, I aim to get at least 100g of Protein per day (doesn't always happen), with moderate carb & fat goals and my diary is open - maybe ignore last week though because I was having a bit of a pre-shark week carb/takeaway fest.

    I have some recipes and my instagram feed for meal planning on my website (not selling anything it's just my personal blog)
  • jessrosetomkmarley
    Thanks a lot ! I'll have a gander on your website
  • jessrosetomkmarley
    I think a lot will fall into place when you go for a normal, healthy weight (which you already have) and a normal, healthy diet (which you may prefer anyway).

    Yeah I think you're right, after this boot camp that's what I'll be doing!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    1600 calories is pretty darn low for someone of your size, especially considering breast feeding. Definitely don't go lower. You obviously don't have much to lose (143 is already very healthy for 5'11") so weight loss is going to be, and should be slow. You might not see changes in the scale every 2 weeks.
  • jessrosetomkmarley
    Fab thanks a lot, that's very helpful. I'm deffo not going to go lower, 1600 is low enough, I'm just using that figure as a guide mostly. Yeah it's not much I want to lose just a little baby belly :) X