Need some friends

EmilyQC Posts: 69 Member
Hi, my name is Emily, in 26 and a stay at home mom. I've been on MFP for about 4 months now, however today it dawned on me that I only have 9 friends and half of those people haven't logged in in months, so really there's like 3 or 4 people that I talk to and comment on regularly.

Anyways here's what i'm looking for in a friend, (not that any old friend isn't nice, so don't let this deter you, add me if you'd like to) interested in finding friends that are trying to change their way of living, it may be through holistic's, herbal remedies, organic living, "clean living or eating", ect. things like that. My husband could care less about anything I talk about. Im very passionate about not using SLS (if you don't know what that is message me) chemicals, parabens, ect. I try to come as close as I can to earth's natural state. It doesn't always happen but I try :-) because i just can't afford it sometimes.

So back from my tangent, looking for people (men or/and women) around my age that like to, want to, or do live this way. I want people to bounce idea's off, to chat with, debate with (and by debate I don't mean, you telling me what to do like some kind of know-it-all *I will delete you so fast*) I'd like to get at least a few men's perspectives on things and also women from all walks of life ( just because i'm a mommy doesn't mean you have to be to be my friend). Also want people that will help keep me accountable and supportive. Im trying to lose over 50lbs and so far I've lost 30 ish, so i'm half way there and starting to lose momentum.

Thanks for reading and hopefully someone will add me as a friend.



  • kbarry90
    kbarry90 Posts: 48
    feel free to add me
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    Add me if you like!! WELCOME!
  • wedwithbabies
    wedwithbabies Posts: 17 Member
    Just added you girl! I just started on here, but was on Lose It! for awhile - prefer myfitnesspal better! Heres to help motivating each other :)
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    Sodium lauryl sulfate? Right?
  • MaxineM66
    hia Im Maxine and brand new - i have 3 friends - one who wont log on again, anothr one who is male and 'supporting me' and the 3rd just added tonight x :)
  • KarenE6
    KarenE6 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello new friend!
  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    hi emily,

    good luck with your joourney. u could add me
  • itsybitzyspider
    i followed from seeing a friend post! Please feel free to ad me! Im a 27 year old, married mom of 3!
  • EmilyQC
    EmilyQC Posts: 69 Member
    Sodium lauryl sulfate? Right?

    Yup, i stay away from it, and most chemicals... my skin has greatly improved in the last year since I switched, and my son who has always had an allergy to almost everything we put on his skin seems to be fine when I took everything out. We buy organic soaps made from oils and natural detergents.