New to My fitness Pal. Looking for friends

modokker Posts: 2
edited 3:42PM in Introduce Yourself
I have been using the app for iphone this past month but just starting to have a good look around. Looking to lose 30 more lbs by the new year. Feel free to add me as a friend.



  • Hi Lisa, I am new to this and have just downloaded the App. It really seems to have EVERY food and restaurant on here so far. Awesome for me. I am also hoping to lose between 25-30 lbs. but my goal is by spring.
  • cmm1415
    cmm1415 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Lisa, I'm also new and I'm looking to lose a total of 50 lbs... This app has been amazing so far and it really motivates me to work out and be conscience of what I'm eating. Good luck you or should I say to us all lol!!!
  • LMStark
    LMStark Posts: 150
    Hi Lisa, welcome to MFP. My name is Lisa too. This is my second go at it, and I find MFP the easiest site to use. It also doesn't hurt that it free. It is great make friends on this site, since the support and accountability can go a long way. Good luck with your weight loss journey. I will sent you a friend request. :-)
  • I am a newbie! Just setting up my account, my niece told me my sister is on here. I am looking forward to the shock and awe of seeing what I actually am eating, haha!
    Just did laser therapy to quit smoking, so I am one craaaaaabby lady. Trying to not eat myself crazy.
    Please feel free to add me as a friend, I am committed to doing this.
    My name is Lea. (pronounced Lee, silent 'a')
  • Hi Lisa, My name is Josie,I am a diabetic looking to lose 80 lbs. I've just joined the program was suggested by a neice who has lost 70 lbs
  • kmma75
    kmma75 Posts: 33 Member
    will add you!
  • Hi everyone. My name is Mary and I just started last week. I'm really loving seeing a record of what I eat everyday. It's really helping me to stay on track. I'm a senior ( 64 ) needing to drop about 30 lbs and start a regular exercise program to get back in shape.Would love to make some new friends. mary6446
  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
    Welcome, you came to the right place. There are a bunch of wonderful people here. It is helping me out a lot and I have at least 50 pounds to lose. Good Luck and friend me if you want to.
  • Hi everyone I'm new at this just started yesterday I'm looking for friends :smile:
  • hi lisa

    happy to accept any friend requests....we are all in this together :laugh:
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