Are You One Of Them?

I've started this journey in 2012 and I've lost close to 130 pounds so far. I had left to do it on my own which worked out pretty well, but I'm back to lose those last stubborn 20 pounds.

I'm looking for people who are more than just a "like" button. The ones who talk, support, motivate and encourage. I promise you will get the same from me in return.

Let's walk this path together and kill those fat cells one at a time!

Who's with me?


  • Pamshebamm181
    Pamshebamm181 Posts: 92 Member
    Congrats on 130 pounds!
    I started this journey a few years ago as well. Lost 30lbs, left MFP, maintained for a while, gained a bit, lost it again, maintained, and now I'm back to finish what I started.
    Feel free to add me.
  • rae1721
    rae1721 Posts: 332 Member
    I'm currently back at it again too. Meant my goal weight 3 years ago and was able to maintain it till about 8 months ago when a bump in the road of life got me and I put on 30 pounds .....but I'm determined and motivated to take it back off!! Good luck to you on your journey .....and 130 lbs that's impressive great job!!!
  • Luvmybratdog
    Luvmybratdog Posts: 11 Member
    Wow! That is is truly inspiring!
  • pinkgumdrop123
    pinkgumdrop123 Posts: 262 Member
    I lost quite a bit of weight a few years ago but gained most of it back so back at this! Down 37 pounds so far but looking to lose another 50. Feel free to add me!
  • Blazing_Brunette
    Blazing_Brunette Posts: 217 Member
    Congrats ! Add me I could use good supporting friends as I'm one tooooo