Need friends that want to get started back running!!!!

Anyone want to commit to a running program with me starting October 1st?!


  • KeepOnMovjng
    KeepOnMovjng Posts: 44 Member
    I'm up for joining
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    Thank you! My post was cut off ☺️
  • Keljessb
    Keljessb Posts: 3 Member
    How much do you run? I'm very new to running. Again
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    I just started running again. Love it but it's so hard to get started! I'm using the heat as an excuse today, I usually go first thing in the morning, now its 3 pm and near 90 degrees. I ran twice last week and it was awesome.
  • banic26
    banic26 Posts: 10 Member
    I really want to start running but starting is the hardest part! I'd join!
  • RedSassyPants
    RedSassyPants Posts: 394 Member
    I am slowly starting to run again. Count me in. I need something to push me
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    I've worked myself up to doing 2 actual 5ks in the past but I have completed the c2 10K program and I think the most I've done is 5 miles but it has been months so I'd say I'm a beginner again.
  • Brant904
    Brant904 Posts: 31 Member
    I’m doing a half at the beginning of next year!!! I’d love to join a group of motivational runners!!
  • banic26
    banic26 Posts: 10 Member
    I did a half marathon once.... but it was probably 3 years ago so I am starting over as well. I haven't been running at all right now. Would love to be able to do another one some day.
  • RedSassyPants
    RedSassyPants Posts: 394 Member
    I started running 6 years ago because I was told I couldn't. I'm serious. I was told my knees would never permit me to do a 5k and I proved them wrong. TWICE. Then I had other medical issues and just...stopped. Last time I started when I was almost at my goal weight. This time I am not waiting. I am slowly getting back into it. Since I still have 20-30 lbs to lose I am not really pushing, but maybe I should be.
  • orlybayu
    orlybayu Posts: 125 Member
    I'm in! I personally like to sprint, but am working on endurance and pacing. I never let excuses get in the way of my exercise! Food is another thing.. haha.
  • Nikkis8482
    Nikkis8482 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! I love running and I'm getting back in shape for some upcoming 5ks! Would love to join a group of runners!
  • Sonrisayvives
    Sonrisayvives Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in!
  • katenix08
    katenix08 Posts: 31 Member
    I did the c2 10 k also. I ran an 8k over a year ago and then promptly fell off the wagon and gained 40lbs. I started the c2 10k again, I'm on week 7. I'd love to join you gals and help foster some motivation! I use the MapMyRun app, too.
  • potatowhoruns
    potatowhoruns Posts: 87 Member
    I could do with some motivation - I run Parkrun each week, but would like to work on improving my running and being a bit more consistent