New to FitnessPal

I am 34 years old and currently weight 165lbs. Three years ago I was 130, which was a little light for my 5'8" body. I would like to get down to 140. I am recently married and my husband and I are planning to have a baby right away so I'd like to start my pregnancy at my goal weight. I already work out 5 days a week so exercise is not my's FOOD! I have no problem eating healthy but I eat too much of a good thing. I also snack way too much. Any tips for getting started would be greatly appreciated.


  • bobie1978
    bobie1978 Posts: 204 Member
    I have the same problem! I love to workout but I also love to eat :) I just joined MFP today too. I am trying to lose abou 15-20 pounds
  • rjbrowne82
    rjbrowne82 Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome and good luck on starting your family. Its actually going to be easier to concieve while working out and eating healthier,
  • tcpowell25
    tcpowell25 Posts: 292
    Welcome I'm having the same issue. Once I began MFP it's become easier for me to cut out the mindless snacking, due to the food diary, I can now actually see the calories that I'm consuming. Good luck! BTW you can add me as well, we can be a support system for each other.
  • Cherylgomez
    Hi, I'm Cheryl, new to MFP and like most woman thrive on encouragement. I'm 52, menopausal, just quit smoking April 1st after 40 years (yes, believe it or not) and have gained 10 lbs since than. My clothes don't fit and I'm pretty miserable with myself right now. I know I can lose it, I always do, it just seems that it's gotten a little harder with age!!!
  • lewis960
    mwhite0515 same here. Im not wanting to loose too much weight, I just want to be comfortable and healthy. Add me as a friend if you would like, I am kinda new as well.
  • mwhite0515
    Congratulations on quitting smoking! I've recently done that myself and it so difficult. I've been working out regularly for about 5 years and the one thing I've learned is that exercise is only a fragment of weight loss. My trainer says that weight loss is about 80% diet. Don't interpret that to mean exercise isn't valuable for weight lossl; it is. Plus exercise is necessary to be healthy overall and I wouldn't make it through the stress of most days without it. Thank you for your response.
  • Mechel79
    Mechel79 Posts: 99 Member
    I am the same height and weigh about 3 lbs more than you do, same situation I just got married 01/2011 and we want to have a child soon. I just want to be down to at least 135 before the baby. Good Luck I just started as well
  • kmma75
    kmma75 Posts: 33 Member
    will add you!
  • Dmax12
    Dmax12 Posts: 36 Member
    I know for me when I started counting all my intake, it became easier to avoid many foods. I started looking at them as "Calories" instead of "The best bean and cheese enchiladia EVAR"
  • sffre
    sffre Posts: 19
    Hi Cheryl, I's Sherry and new here(even though I joined a few months ago)I am 40 perimenopausal and quit smoking Aug 2008(almost 20yrs of smoking). I gained over 36 lbs and have shed about 20 of those lbs. 3 years later I still crave cigarettes and have found myself "eating" instead of smoking!!!