Anyone 150 trying to go to 120?

I'm looking for women on a simliar journey as I am. If you've already completed it, give me advice! If youre working on it, maybe we can support one another. I'm 5'5 150 and looking to lose the 30 pounds. I can't stand looking at myself and the weight gain. I'm starting my diet on the first of October. And positivity or advice welcomed. Thank you!! Xoxo


  • akeckta
    akeckta Posts: 2 Member
    edited September 2017
    Me!!!! Last week I started slow by going on 30 walks at night and doing a workout at home after. I've been able to stick to it. I know walking won't do all the work for me but it's a start haha. Good luck to you and if you need any support.. I'm here! Let's get those bods in shape!
  • brinamae2117
    brinamae2117 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes!!! Even if you're walking towards a direction you're still going the way you want! I've been so discouraged and thinking that ill.never be able to do it. But mind over matter!!! I'm going to try. I have to truly want it and stick to it. I keep telling myself try 30 days of a diet.. if you see results you'll stay motivated.. and 21 days makes a habit (hopefully!)
  • SquishyFairy
    SquishyFairy Posts: 119 Member
    This is me! I'd like to go below 130 because I'm so short, but 130 is my temporary goal.
  • brinamae2117
    brinamae2117 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes! Alcohol, beer specifically, seems to be a big issue with me. I need to just focus and remember what I'm going for in the long run. I keep saying 30 days.. stick with it hard for 30 days.. and I feel like if I see reasonable results ill be more motivated to keep up.
  • iotterbeinbed
    iotterbeinbed Posts: 76 Member
    I'm 160, trying to get back down to 120-125!
  • Buckeye19XX
    Buckeye19XX Posts: 33 Member
    I started out at 155, am currently 135 and aiming for 115!
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    Hello, I am 5'5' at 149 lbs trying to get to goal of 130ish...Usually at around 145 but due to late nite snacking and alcohol have gone back up to 150,,,haven't been exercising either last year really, have totally gotten lazy and let myself go.
  • 67kpickle
    67kpickle Posts: 1 Member
    6g7826916bot.jpg yep 155-down to 142. rough. really rough. has taken me 3 months 1200 cal a day. i exercise 6 days a week. i'm fit but did not commit to losing weight until june. it took a long time to start coming off it was very frustrating. i feel like i've lost 50 lbs. thats how much of a difference and its only 13 pounds!
  • SquishyFairy
    SquishyFairy Posts: 119 Member
    Yes! Alcohol, beer specifically, seems to be a big issue with me. I need to just focus and remember what I'm going for in the long run. I keep saying 30 days.. stick with it hard for 30 days.. and I feel like if I see reasonable results ill be more motivated to keep up.

    I'm the same way! I was never a big drinker but since I've taken a liking to craft beers I've been really heartily sipping on those empty calories. It's a struggle, haha.
  • arantsamedina
    arantsamedina Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2017
    Yes I am too! Trying to get to 120! Currently 156. I started counting calories last week when I was 160! I try to work out as much as I can for at least 30 minutes if it's intense, go to the gym or run. I'm counting 1200 calories per day.
  • mlm7281
    mlm7281 Posts: 37 Member
    I started out at 155, am currently 135 and aiming for 115!

    Congrats! How long did it take you to get to 135? Diet and exercise? This is very motivating to see :). It took me forever to get to 150 from 160 yayks!
  • Buckeye19XX
    Buckeye19XX Posts: 33 Member
    mlm7281 wrote: »
    I started out at 155, am currently 135 and aiming for 115!

    Congrats! How long did it take you to get to 135? Diet and exercise? This is very motivating to see :). It took me forever to get to 150 from 160 yayks!

    I'm not really sure how long it took because I would gain some of the weight back whenever I went home to spend the summer with my parents. It probably took about a school year (9-ish months).
  • meltamy
    meltamy Posts: 12 Member
    I'm looking for women on a simliar journey as I am. If you've already completed it, give me advice! If youre working on it, maybe we can support one another. I'm 5'5 150 and looking to lose the 30 pounds. I can't stand looking at myself and the weight gain. I'm starting my diet on the first of October. And positivity or advice welcomed. Thank you!! Xoxo

  • meltamy
    meltamy Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'3 and 140 trying to get to 120 or 125
  • KayTeeOne
    KayTeeOne Posts: 122 Member
    I'm 5'5" as well. Currently at 158, trying to reach 130
  • silverblaze55
    silverblaze55 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 150. Right now my goal is 130, but we'll see how I look/feel once I get there.
    My initial weight loss (from 185ish to 155ish) was really unhealthy, so I'm more concerned about my general fitness and health than my weight these days. I'm doing okay with my diet, but still trying to figure out an exercise routine I can stick with.
  • mumbles2013
    mumbles2013 Posts: 289 Member
    edited September 2017
    I'm now 167lbs trying to get to 126lbs and I'm 5'5". It's been a real battle to get this far but I know my work isn't done yet.
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    Same! 5'4".. I started at like 158? (I've gotten a new scale since then... old scale HW was like 156/157 but my new scale is about 1-2 pounds off)..

    It's taken me two months but I'm around 145 right now. Really struggling to get under that but hoping to get to 125! :/