Aussie mum needing a cheersquad/support, lol

Hi everyone :smile:

I'm a 33 yr old Australian mum of 1....I'm kinda new here. To break it all down, i've put on alot of weight after being pregnant ( mind you, that was 8 years ago ) & got myself stuck in a rut of bad lifestlyes, not eating most days is my concern. I smoke my way through the days, yes i know, Tsk tsk!...I have gone from smoking around 20+ a day to about 6/7 a day, so i consider that a good step towards qutting..... I'd like to eat more regularly and not be so bloated.
Anyway, i get lost in pounds and do things by kilos, so i'd love some more Kilo counting friends, lol.....More local friends would be good too. I guess you could say i'm a pretty weak willed person, & would love a bit of support and egging on :-)

Best of wishes all of you who stop by, & thanks for any replies. If you do add me, would you mind just popping a message to go with it, so i know where you found me, thanks :-)


  • heartworth9
    heartworth9 Posts: 51 Member
    I love your sense of humor. I have lost 21 pounds in 5 months and have 11 to go. Funny how we get stuck on a number. Honestly did not think I could do it but walking changed my metabolism. Congrats on the smoking. I do acupuncture, wish I was nearby I would do my quitting smoking treatment on you for free!

    This is from my fittness. I am looking for supportive friends to get me to my goal. I think that starting is difficult and the last bit of weight as well.

  • changeisgood55
    Friend request coming your way.
  • tiffanyhobbs
    tiffanyhobbs Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, I am in Cairns and yes i get confused with pounds as well, i normally have an online converter open so i can work it out lol. I have 3 kids 9,5 & 15 months and i have 48 kg extra i want to loose, my pre baby weight. will send you a friend request.
  • FrancesGallagher
    FrancesGallagher Posts: 88 Member
    Hi, I just looked up metric equivalents and maybe converting pounds to metric isn't to hard. 1 pound = 0.4536 kilograms, 1 kilogram =2.2046 pounds. There was a person who had written how certain portions could be identified by comparisons, such as a serving of meat was the size of a deck of cards. I don't recall all the examples given but it did simplify portions easily. Please continue to cut down on the cigarettes because nothing is as dangerous to your health as smoking, it really does damage to your whole body, and it wrinkles your skin besides that. Good luck with your program keep doing the food diary because it is your most important learning tool. Bye for now, FG