Falling Off The Wagon



  • ThatFrigginGuy99
    ThatFrigginGuy99 Posts: 46 Member
    Honestly, looking at your profile picture, you can handle a donut, love. Good luck.
  • chrissywelsh10
    chrissywelsh10 Posts: 66 Member
    I got drunk last night - had 2 mojitos, red wine, bitterballen, chicken skewers and quesadilla! It was a GREAT night. No guilt... Today I'm having lots of salad and going for a run - prob tomorrow too... it was worth it, and i always manage to fit in crazy nights - you should too! 1 donut = 1 run... or a light salad dinner... don't sweat the small stuff.
  • amandallee
    amandallee Posts: 40 Member
    TorStar80 wrote: »
    I understand. I feel the same. Despite what everyone says, I'm so determined that if I don't control myself I feel like a failure... but I'm seeing slowly that that's the beauty of this app. Keep track and you'll find that you have room to guilt free indulge here and there while still making your goal.

    Glad to know someone has the same weird mindset as me lol but this app/community is pretty amazing. You guys definitely keep me on my toes. I'm proud to say I have lost about 3 lbs since this post. And I probably should have mentioned I was doing low-carb so maybe that's why I felt so bad about it lol thanks to everyone for the responses.
  • merekins
    merekins Posts: 228 Member
    Perfection isn't the answer. Are you seriously planning to live the rest of your life without dessert? Nope! The key is to learn to eat smaller portions of those things less often. I've been there so I get it but I'd have been happier, and skinnier, overcoming that all or nothing attitude sooner. It's not practical and sets you up to fail. One donut isn't blowing diddily squat! Think about all the hard work you've put in to this. A donut doesn't erase it.
  • bruby28
    bruby28 Posts: 4,123 Member
    You still have to enjoy the little things in life . Donuts are so delicious , having one is not the end of the world . You should be proud of yourself , I usually eat 3 or 4 at a time lol ..no but seriously if u work it into your cals for the day no big deal . Once you restrict certain foods that you love , makes you want them even more . Moderation is key , and enjoying every bite !
  • kokonani
    kokonani Posts: 507 Member
    Yum! I had a donut too. Enjoyed the heck out of it. I try to have sweets everyday within my daily calorie limit. You cannot live life without having what you love. Just balance out everything else in the day. Have a bit more salad and veggies. Why wouldn't you be able to fit donuts into your day?
  • KelseyRL
    KelseyRL Posts: 124 Member
    I totally get what you're saying. I went to my in-laws house recently and they have a very well stocked snack cupboard. Had multiple cookies, chips, cheesy bread sticks, a fudgsicle, and a LOT of wine. It's hard when you're in the moment. I wasn't hungry, I didn't really enjoy a lot of the foods, and I knew my stomach would be upset all the next day, but I kept eating.

    These are the habits I find hardest. Somedays, even though you could name 5 reasons why it's not a good idea, habit takes over. It's one day at a time though. Tomorrow's a new day with new choices and new decisions. I always try hard not to carry yesterday's stuff with me. Just keep trying and do what you can. Don't get too worked up over things you can't undo.
  • amandallee
    amandallee Posts: 40 Member
    KelseyRL wrote: »
    I totally get what you're saying. I went to my in-laws house recently and they have a very well stocked snack cupboard. Had multiple cookies, chips, cheesy bread sticks, a fudgsicle, and a LOT of wine. It's hard when you're in the moment. I wasn't hungry, I didn't really enjoy a lot of the foods, and I knew my stomach would be upset all the next day, but I kept eating.

    These are the habits I find hardest. Somedays, even though you could name 5 reasons why it's not a good idea, habit takes over. It's one day at a time though. Tomorrow's a new day with new choices and new decisions. I always try hard not to carry yesterday's stuff with me. Just keep trying and do what you can. Don't get too worked up over things you can't undo.

  • imanibelle
    imanibelle Posts: 130 Member
    Such a beautiful face and cute baby boy <3.
  • Rebirth08
    Rebirth08 Posts: 174 Member
    amandallee wrote: »
    Am I the only one who feels like they are the only one who "falls off the wagon" from time to time? I had a donut this morning and knew I shouldn't have. I felt bad the whole time I ate it but just kept eating it. :s Feeling even worse about it now and just feel like I'm the only one who ever does things like this lol Just wondering if I'm the only one who feels like this??? I can be doing so good and then completely blow it a few days later. Does this happen to anyone else? I also feel like I get better and go longer before falling off the wagon the next time, so maybe that's a good thing? I guess we are only human and I'm just soaking in my donut eating guilt. :/

    You're not the only one who feels the guilt....And that fact that you get better and go longer before having an unhealthy meal or food says a lot. Remember, this is a journey...Especially with food, it may take longer to have the strength to say 'no' to certain things; or you may find that certain unhealthy foods will stay in your diet from time to time and you be okay with that because you eat healthy otherwise. But I totally understand....and yes, it happens to me more often than I like. I'm now at the point where I don't even want to be around food outside the home because I don't need the temptation.
  • kokonani
    kokonani Posts: 507 Member
    I see absolutely nothing wrong with eating a donut. I eat donuts any chance I get! Yum! It's just calories you can work into your calorie allowance. It's strict restrictions such as these that we put on ourselves to feel so bad or guilty about eating. There really is no "falling off the wagon". If you over eat one day, balance it out throughout the week. 1000 calories or so over-eating is really minimal if you calculate your total weekly or monthly Calories. Don't stress, relax a bit.
  • ProdigiousDigit
    ProdigiousDigit Posts: 49 Member
    edited September 2017
    Went to a pizza bar with a bunch of co-workers for lunch yesterday. Started to panic a little on the drive over about walking into an all-you-can-eat pizza joint (Beau Jo's in Evergreen, CO).

    After getting there I realized that all of the positive changes I've made over the past couple of months were made specifically so I can enjoy eating again without regret.

    I absolutely murdered a large salad and four slices of pizza. No regrets, didn't even think about it again.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I used to feel that way and decided one day that I didn't want food to be just another thing that I expected more from myself than I do from others, causing guilt and shame when I couldn't meet the unreasonably high expectations. I stopped considering foods to be good or bad, and I learned (it takes some time) to just get right back to it. Allowing a small treat everyday helps me stay on track through the day. Planning for it means it will fit in my calorie goals, which means that it won't harm my efforts.

    I know this sounds simplistic. It's not. It takes effort and intentional focus to change the way you think and feel. But it is well worth the work.
  • mtabor80
    mtabor80 Posts: 20 Member
    The reason some diets don't work is impatience. Some want to lose weight fast. They feed off of compliments and surprised looks. If you get to a good place, you usually have 2 options. Keep going which usually means you go too far looking really skinny and appearing sick, or really fall of the wagon because the attention is gone and you love food. Take your time. Enjoy the things you like as a treat and not as a daily necessity. Look at your weight loss as a weekly or monthly glance and realize you've made great progress. Walk there and realize you are there and have done great and you can maintain the walk. . Running there makes you really lose sight of the long term goal and you can't keep that pace forever. You're doing great. Just look at where you were a month ago. I bet you've made tremendous progress and a month from now I bet your progress will be just as good or better. Good luck
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    Went to a pizza bar with a bunch of co-workers for lunch yesterday. Started to panic a little on the drive over about walking into an all-you-can-eat pizza joint (Beau Jo's in Evergreen, CO).

    After getting there I realized that all of the positive changes I've made over the past couple of months were made specifically so I can enjoy eating again without regret.

    I absolutely murdered a large salad and four slices of pizza. No regrets, didn't even think about it again.

    Yay you! And a big yay for Beau Jo's, too!
  • threec
    threec Posts: 97 Member
    Oh heck, today I haven't logged and I've eaten absolutely everything in sight and washed it down with a pair of pepsi. And chances are we're going out for brunch tomorrow so I doubt tomorrow will be any better. I'll crawl out from under the wagon Monday dust myself off and get back on it
  • tlkondo
    tlkondo Posts: 8 Member
    I fall off the wagon everyday. My doctor told me not to give up the things I love. Just eat a smaller portion. I eat 1/4 cup of something I love everyday and have still have lost 44lbs in 6 months. My problem is when I join my husband on his union trips because we eat out the whole time and I am use to measuring everything I eat. So when I get home I start all over. :)
  • jlval1989
    jlval1989 Posts: 89 Member
    I've fallen off the wagon. I've slipped off, jumped off, snuck off, and one occasion, dived headfirst off (and into the entirety of a rather large Dominos Pizza).
    The important thing is climbing back on. The other important thing, is that there's always room for a doughnut, when the situation requires it!