Do you ever get told that you too compulsive

Sorry if I confuse you. I lost 125 just by eating healthy, exercising, counting calories and weighing my food. Now that i am maintain my weight I still do all the same things bc i don't want to gain all the weight back.


  • chrisfuentes2005
    chrisfuentes2005 Posts: 295 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    Many find they have to do that. Good for you.

    Majority find that when they don't they gain back what was lost or more.

    And sadly many of them repeat that failed method, if they can reach goal weight again.

    But I'll bet you are likely getting better at what meals and quantities are correct blocks to eat, that type of thing.

  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    As of Monday, I'm in maintainance after losing 13lbs (mostly vanity, because at 5'11, only I can see a difference). My BF "caught" me weighing light mayo yesterday and said I was taking it "WAY TOO FAR". I'm like,, I need to know what to log"...then we got into a "you have lost the weight, why are you still logging" conversation. My response...because I don't want to gain it back "again".

    remind him that "light mayo" is still 35-50 calories/spoonful.
  • chrisfuentes2005
    chrisfuentes2005 Posts: 295 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I don't tell my entire my family I count calories. To those not undergoing weight loss or weight management its hard for them to understand and grasp this process.

    My husband knows I count and he knows its necessary for me to keep doing it for my specific goals.

    I say to anyone, what ever process works for you just keep doing that! Best of Luck and congratulations btw! :):)

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Noone has ever used the word compulsive in regards to me but what they will say is 'you're so good being able to say no to cake' (or whatever delicacy is on offer)... if I have the calories left I will have whatever I want but if I don't, I won't, end of.
    Because I've been eating this way for years now no one notices in general what/how much I choose to eat or not eat.