Cold turkey diet soda experiences?

lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
alright, i promise i tried searching the message boards for answers before creating a new topic (this is my first new topic ever!) and i couldn't find what i was looking for so here goes...

i am addicted to diet soda (usually diet dr. pepper). instead of coffee in the morning, the first thing i do when i get to work is get a 20 oz out of the vending machine. but today i got to work and wasn't craving soda, so i figured i'd try to go the whole day without (by the way its lunch time in california and i am now really craving)...

i've tried quitting cold turkey before for a new years resolution, but only lasted 4 days. so what i want to know from people is if you've actually experienced a speed up in weight/size loss size from quitting drinking diet soda. is it worth it for me to completely quit drinking diet soda?

i usually consume between 40 and 60 oz of diet soda a day, but i drink water too (although usually not 64 oz of pure water a day).

anybody out there got some good news for me? i'm at a plateau right now and i'm wondering if kicking the diet soda habit will get me out of it.


  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    alright, i promise i tried searching the message boards for answers before creating a new topic (this is my first new topic ever!) and i couldn't find what i was looking for so here goes...

    i am addicted to diet soda (usually diet dr. pepper). instead of coffee in the morning, the first thing i do when i get to work is get a 20 oz out of the vending machine. but today i got to work and wasn't craving soda, so i figured i'd try to go the whole day without (by the way its lunch time in california and i am now really craving)...

    i've tried quitting cold turkey before for a new years resolution, but only lasted 4 days. so what i want to know from people is if you've actually experienced a speed up in weight/size loss size from quitting drinking diet soda. is it worth it for me to completely quit drinking diet soda?

    i usually consume between 40 and 60 oz of diet soda a day, but i drink water too (although usually not 64 oz of pure water a day).

    anybody out there got some good news for me? i'm at a plateau right now and i'm wondering if kicking the diet soda habit will get me out of it.
  • I quit drinking diet pepsi a few weeks ago.... I initially didn't notice a huge difference, but I do feel a little less bloated.
    I would open a can of diet at 7:30 am when I'd start work (I too drank this instead of coffee) and by the end of the day I had usually had between 2-4 cans of pop everyday.
    I know it doesn't have any calories or anything but a girlfriend told me that your body begins to recognize aspartame as sugar and stores it like that after a while... I don't know if that's true or not.

    Anyways, I haven't noticed a huge difference, maybe I need to give it more time, but the cravings do go away. At first I really missed pop, but now I miss it less and less and I have replaced all that pop with water and am drinking about 5 bottles of water a day which HAS to be a good thing!!
  • oomalmal
    oomalmal Posts: 219 Member
    I haven't completely quit sodas. I have about one can every other day. My feeling is though if your denying yourself that craving, your just going to want it more.

    If there's nothing less than a 20 oz you can buy, then buy the 20 oz, dump half out and drink the rest. That way you still get a taste but not as bad as a whole bottle.

    I feel alot better since I've cut out so much. Engery wise and sleep wise. Good luck.
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Hahahahaha! I thought you were trying a new diet of cold turkey and diet soda when I read the header!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    haha, yeah i was struggling with what to title it. i guess it caught some eyes though, thanks for the responses everyone!
  • I stopped regular Coke cold turkey 2 years ago. It takes a lot of willpower, and a bottle of water always at your hand to drink whenever you crave soda. It took, literally, 3 months before I got the craving out of my system.

    If you need something caffeinated in the morning, why don't you try something healthier like a green or black tea? I like to use chai because it has a complex, satisfying taste. Add honey instead of sugar, and skim milk instead of cream. Green tea is also a proven weight loss tool!

    Best of luck,

  • zoepane
    zoepane Posts: 209
    I was addicted too, drinking about 2 liters a day, I tried to go cold turkey, and got killer headaches, so now I have 1 can of diet pepsi a day, I can deal with that
  • Nightdust
    Nightdust Posts: 171 Member
    I've quit cold turkey on all soda/pop and I honestly feel better. My teeth aren't as sensitive and I don't feel as bloated. I used to drink Diet Coke 2-3 times a day either it being a bottle or can and I just kept wanting more. I swear there is something addicting with diet pops. What helped me was that I thought about the benefits of any type of pop and couldn't come up with anything significant. My body doesn't need it so why drink it? If I want caffeine I'll drink tea and if I want something fruity I'll drink Wyler's Cool Raspberry on the go. Either way I'm getting some of the water I need for that day too.
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    Carbonated water is fantastic for this. You get the sensation of drinking a pop without any calories (the brand I drink has 20 sodium per can and that's it, everything else is 0.

    If Carbonated water is too boring for you, try adding 1-2 oz of fruit juice to the can, or even some lemon or lime.

    Hope that helps!
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    Carbonated water is fantastic for this. You get the sensation of drinking a pop without any calories (the brand I drink has 20 sodium per can and that's it, everything else is 0.

    If Carbonated water is too boring for you, try adding 1-2 oz of fruit juice, or even some lemon or lime.

    Hope that helps!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    the best thing to think if you get a bit uncomfortable while you go through quitting the diet soda is to remind yourself that you are no longer putting that absolute poison into your diet soda anywhere on the web and you will see the pure garbage that it really is....have some real coffee for a few days to get over the caffiene withdrawal...if you dont like coffee...just tough it out, it will only last a short time and drink your soda should be I an anti soda nut? maybe, but when I finally quit that garbage I could see the difference in my skin and feel it in my body

    QUIT today
    good luck:smile:
  • Lizjkp
    Lizjkp Posts: 278
    Hi there. I find the best way ( for me ) to give up anything is total abstinance :noway:.I have to work myself up to it but when I am in the right frame of mind I cut it out and try:devil: not to go back to it, BUT since I have been on my journey here at MFP I have more motivation (with a little help from my MFP
    'er friends) and definetly find that once I have given my body long enough to get over the addiction it really does not like the flavour of whatever it is we (my body and I) have given up.
    My hubby is addicted to BUBBLES :noway: so really battles to go without his soda :grumble: ??????
    I think you must do what you and your body find best at the time, if you decide to go cold turkey prepare yourself well beforehand. GOOD LUCK :flowerforyou: with which ever way you go.

    Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words for they become actions. Understand your actions for they become habits. Study your habits for they will become your character.
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