Body post baby

Looking for some motivational stories of mommies looking healthy and fit after giving birth. If you have a story to share.. please post!


  • Alia_R
    Alia_R Posts: 410 Member
    I'm a 27 y/o mom of 2 little ones. I'm on this journey mainly for them, and of course for myself. I want to be heathy and live long enough to see my little ones have kids of their own and be able to hold them myself. So all in all, I'm on this journey for the long haul. I ain't giving up because to do that would mean letting down my little ones. Not going let that happen
  • pennijeynes
    pennijeynes Posts: 3 Member
    I had my second baby in October last year and have been doing 5:2 since Feb. I'm 30lbs down and 32 years old in Nov
  • Laurc19
    Laurc19 Posts: 6 Member
    I had my first baby back in July of 2016 and I have yet to lose the baby weight :( yes, my son is almost 15 months old and I haven't lost ANYTHING since the first few days after I gave birth. Enough is enough! I am going to do it this time!!!!!
  • Joanvillabroza
    Joanvillabroza Posts: 2 Member
    edited September 2017
    @ Laurac19 Great attitude! Its hard to get started for sure... but im cheering you on! Hope you feel inspired! Once you get going feel free to add me on my fitness pal... its all about supporting each other. I have a few friends on it.. but it makes a difference when its ppl who knows the same struggle you face :)

    @pennijeynes... frigging awesome 30lbs is wowww.. im 3 months post delivery... a little nervous to go on the scale... your story is a great motivation for sure.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    OP, how long ago did you give birth? Is this your first? You don't have to answer. Just wanted to point out that it takes the body a while to recover but you can always make healthy food choices, be active (if it's been long enough and dr. approved) and track your calorie intake.