I am really lost when it comes to food/nutrition.

I am a college student, working part- time. School is about to start up again, and 3 days a week I will be heading straight from class to work until midnight. I am lost as to what to pack for snacks, lunches, or keep at work to eat for dinner.

Any and all input will help!!

For reference, I am a vegetarian, and M/W/Th I will be at school 9-3 and then work 345-12am.


  • Does your work have a fridge or microwave? Pack some smart ones or lean cuisines for lunch/dinner. Bringing some fruit or crackers to snack on would also work I think. If you like cheese I'd recommend weight watchers' 50 calorie string cheese things, those are delicious. Other than that, just figure out the calories before hand and see what choices you can come up with. :D
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Fruits are good portable snacks. Bananas can get squished, but apples, oranges or chopped up watermelon or berries in tupperware could be good. I like Del Monte grapefruit cups a lot. Same goes for veggies: you can't really squish a carrot. I love Sonny & Joe's hummus duos. Hummus and crackers ready to go -- 245 cals. Nuts are good (beware of high calories) healthy fats. All-natural granola bars can be good, but you have to be careful to check all the ingredients.

    I also love laughing cow 35-cal cheese wedges with crackers or a 100-cal pita. Breakstone's cottage doubles, or any portion-sized cottage cheese.

    Hope this helps :-)
  • aworkma6
    aworkma6 Posts: 31
    Thanks for the replies!

    We have a stove and microwave at work as well as several fridges and freezers, so I guess that will really help me out.
    Now I just need to go shopping!
  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    Snacks: almonds, string cheese, raw veggies and hummus, carrots and cashew butter, soy nuts, boiled eggs, kale chips, fruit, laughing cow cheese and cucumbers, dates, apricots, roasted chick peas, air popped popcorn.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Kashi TLC granola bars are great, dry roaste nuts or soybeans/edamame, fruit, peanut butter or hummus sandwich.
  • Hmmm well I like to make little baggies of fruit (say, 1/2 cup sliced strawberries with 1/2 cup of blueberries) and take them with me. It's a healthy snack. :) If you don't already know, Morning Star and Boca have great protein products. If you like peanut butter, you could take some with some sliced apples.
  • I work twice a weeek an hour away from my house, on those days I do my Shakeology nutrition drink, it's easy, it's portable and it's delicious and it fills me up!
    I am a college student, working part- time. School is about to start up again, and 3 days a week I will be heading straight from class to work until midnight. I am lost as to what to pack for snacks, lunches, or keep at work to eat for dinner.

    Any and all input will help!!

    For reference, I am a vegetarian, and M/W/Th I will be at school 9-3 and then work 345-12am.