Any vegetarians?

I used to be a vegetarian when i was 14-15, for 9 months but got sick of all the negativity everyone was giving me,
but now I'm 18 and refuse to let that negativity get me down for what i feel is right.
This is day 1 being a vegetarian - i dont find it difficult since i never really ate a lot of meat to begin with- and I figured it'd be kinda neat to have some myfitnesspal friends that are vegetarians or vegan too =)

(the main reason i am going vegetarian again is because i dont personally enjoy eating animals -NOT to just lose weight-... but im not one of the crazy hardcore vegetarians that shove their ideas down your throats, so i dont care if others eat meat..its their choice. the better health is just an added bonus)

Soooo if you are a vegetarian/vegan feel freee to add me


  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    Me me me! 12 years veggie. Feel free to add me :happy:
  • eodell1
    eodell1 Posts: 14
    I'm a vegan. I've shed 13.5 lbs. in 4 weeks by just eating whole, unprocessed foods and avoiding baked goods made with the processed unbleached flour like cookies and cakes.

    Don't ever shove anything down anyone's throats. That doesn't work for religion and it sure doesn't work for diet. The best way to encourage others is by leading through positive example. Well, if you cook good, that works wonders too.
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    I am a veggie trying to go vegan, feel free to add me!! Don't let anyone get to you about your diet, people are threatened by what they dont understand, and they will get used to it.
  • AshleyLauren589
    AshleyLauren589 Posts: 139 Member
    Pseudo-vegetarian here! (I only eat fish and poultry- odd combination, I know, but I wasn't able to get enough protein without adding poultry back in). feel free to add me =)
  • marsts
    marsts Posts: 85
    I'm a vegan. I've shed 13.5 lbs. in 4 weeks by just eating whole, unprocessed foods and avoiding baked goods made with the processed unbleached flour like cookies and cakes.

    Don't ever shove anything down anyone's throats. That doesn't work for religion and it sure doesn't work for diet. The best way to encourage others is by leading through positive example. Well, if you cook good, that works wonders too.

    couldnt agree more, i like peta for being animal friendly, but hate how agressive them and 80% of the street team members are. i hate when meat eater's make negative remarks about my choice not to eat animals, and respect that their choice that they choose to eat them.
  • melibea
    melibea Posts: 228
    I've been a vegetarian for about four years now :)
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    Me, recently went back to vegetarianism after being away from it for a few months. Previously I was one for almost two years and gave up due to letting people's comments get to me. I no longer care either, they don't live my life and are not me. Have been one now for two weeks as of tomorrow. Going to add you now and I wish you luck with your renewed commitment to vegetarianism.
  • kaytonp
    kaytonp Posts: 15 Member
    I've been lacto-vegetarian about 20 years. If you know how to cook, vegetarianism is easy.
  • elly0001
    elly0001 Posts: 191
    ive been a vego since i was 5, feel free to add me :)
  • I recently started eating fish again, but I was vegetarian since October of last year. I'm hoping to cut fish out of my diet and go back to lacto-ovo veg. as soon as I get a better grip on my eating and learn how to eat more balanced, nutritious vegetarian meals.

    I stopped eating meat and fish last year cold turkey (excuse the pun...) and I was surprised at how easy it was. I still get cravings for cheese burgers every once in a while, but I satisfy that craving by either making a veggie burger or getting a grilled cheese from In N Out. For me personally, never eating meat again is non-negotiable. I have no intention of ever eating meat again, and hope to cut fish out again soon.

    I haven't had too many negative comments. Every once in a while I'll have an annoying coworker come up to me when I'm eating, look at my food and ask in a really obnoxious voice "IS THAT VEGETARIAN? ARE YOU EATING MEAT!?" I find that if I just make a point to not make a big deal out of my not eating meat, most people mind their own business.

    Good luck!!

    ETA: I don't know where octo-lovo came from!
  • phatphd
    phatphd Posts: 45
    I've been a vegetarian for 8 years, and a vegan on and off throughout that time. Feel free to add me!
  • zadrii
    zadrii Posts: 21
    I am! It's only been 2 months for me :)
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I'm working to get there. It takes planning as my brother is a devout omni "animal protein is only form of good energy mindset" and I live with him and prepare our dinner communally. Some things like tacos I can create EASILY and omit meat. My daughter does that anyway she does not like ground beef at all. She picks around it in spaghetti if its in hers. One good thing is my brother and I both really love whole foods especially vegetables, salads. We grew up with a mother that did gardening a lot and or traded with friends who had gardens so we grew up with fresh organic for most part veggies often. On the flip side she also gave us bad habits with packaged/processed foods(hamburger helper and mac and cheese...I understand the poverty we lived in though) and candybars, cookies and chips was one I got over eating of chips. If there is a food I over it that would be it, I just can't stop. My brother somehow can take a small handful and stop. He's always had the good metabolism only reason he has 20-30 to lose is his alcohol consumptions.

    More than likely we(my 8 year old daughter and I) will be partial vegan(eggs only) once we move out on our own again as we are both lactose intolerant and only really tolerate cheese(in small quantities) and yogurt on occasions. Who knows maybe I'll give up eggs too.

    I was vegetarian(eggs only, lactose intolerance left milk/cheese off list) when I was a teen for a good year and half or so. It was not a healthy manner, as in proper protein intake as I just didn't eat the meat served to me. I've struggled going back because I don't want to do it that unhealthy way again.

    For me not eating meat is more of a I just don't want to and don't like the taste thing. I'm not out to push it on everyone either. I just don't care for meat, particularly red meat.
  • Kirsten59
    Kirsten59 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new here and not got into posting yet - until now. Please add me if you want.

    I have been vegetarian for 17 years. I find I can get plenty of protein from beans, lentils, nuts, tofu and quorn and I love barbecued vegetables with spices and herbs. My husband is the cook and he does wonderful meals, I'm so lucky. He is a veggie too.

    By the way, if you eat fish or poultry you are NOT a vegetarian!

    My downfall is big portions and cheese + wine. I'm not into cakes and sweets but savoury snacks are difficult to resist. Hoping this forum and my tracking will keep me on the straight and narrow.
  • tireetje
    tireetje Posts: 49
    hey im a vegetarian and im sick of people telling me why i should be eating meat and bla bla bla.

    i DONT tell anyone they should be a vegetarian its none of my business and therefore its none of their business what i eat and why!!! it is my belief not to eat animals and im not going to enforce it on anyone else. so neither should they.

    another pet hate: if you eat fish you are NOT a vegetarian!!!!!! Seriously people its not that complicated. a vegetarian does not eat
    animals. fish = animals!!! i dont mind if you eat fish but then you are not a vegetarian so stop kidding yourself!!!!
  • tireetje
    tireetje Posts: 49
    hey im a vegetarian and im sick of people telling me why i should be eating meat and bla bla bla.

    i DONT tell anyone they should be a vegetarian its none of my business and therefore its none of their business what i eat and why!!! it is my belief not to eat animals and im not going to enforce it on anyone else. so neither should they.

    another pet hate: if you eat fish you are NOT a vegetarian!!!!!! Seriously people its not that complicated. a vegetarian does not eat
    animals. fish = animals!!! i dont mind if you eat fish but then you are not a vegetarian so stop kidding yourself!!!!
  • kananm
    kananm Posts: 7 Member
    I am one too!
  • hey im a vegetarian and im sick of people telling me why i should be eating meat and bla bla bla.

    i DONT tell anyone they should be a vegetarian its none of my business and therefore its none of their business what i eat and why!!! it is my belief not to eat animals and im not going to enforce it on anyone else. so neither should they.

    another pet hate: if you eat fish you are NOT a vegetarian!!!!!! Seriously people its not that complicated. a vegetarian does not eat
    animals. fish = animals!!! i dont mind if you eat fish but then you are not a vegetarian so stop kidding yourself!!!!

    Um, I'm not sure if you're talking about my post, but if you re-read you can see that I said I recently started eating fish again, and WAS vegetarian last year and hope to be veg again SOON. I understand people who eat fish are pescatarians, not vegetarians. Sorry if I broke some rule by posting in this thread, but I don't see anywhere where I called my current eating habits vegetarian.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    hey im a vegetarian and im sick of people telling me why i should be eating meat and bla bla bla.

    i DONT tell anyone they should be a vegetarian its none of my business and therefore its none of their business what i eat and why!!! it is my belief not to eat animals and im not going to enforce it on anyone else. so neither should they.

    another pet hate: if you eat fish you are NOT a vegetarian!!!!!! Seriously people its not that complicated. a vegetarian does not eat
    animals. fish = animals!!! i dont mind if you eat fish but then you are not a vegetarian so stop kidding yourself!!!!
    my my what a pleasant person you are haha
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    New 'vegan' here, started about 3 weeks ago and haven't ever been a vegetarian before, I just took the ultimate jump in to this world. It was surprisingly easy considering the amount of vegeies I’ve been eating for the past 5-7 years BUT, the only unfortunate thing is I started this not only due to the cruelty and environmental issues involved in eating meat but b/c I read that it's hard for your body to digest meat and that you would feel wonderful after just a week of not eating meat - that wasn't true at all, I haven't noticed a difference in how I feel, look or how my body processes food :(

    I voluntarily slipped up on some non-vegan items (about 4 items in the past 3 weeks) such as potato salad, jubejubes and Costco birthday cake) and I do not intend on giving away any silk or leather items in my wardrobe and home hence out of respect for the term 'Vegan' I'm only claiming to be a vegetarian but I will only drink soy and non-lactose milk and will not buy eggs and honey. I'm using the term vegan only in my favour when my mother-in-law and Mother try to 'force' me to enjoy dessert.

    Most whole grain breads and protein powder contains some form of milk ingredients and I have no intention in investing more financially in becoming a vegan/vegetarian, I am the ultimate deal hunter and that is too important for me, it overrides this new lifestyle.

    Watch out for your carbs everyone! I noticed initially in my first week I was hitting 200g a day due to oats for breakfast, veggie sandwich for lunch and beans and rice and veggies at dinner. I have since re-constructed that and went back to my protein shake with 1 cup soy milk for breakfast now I’m hitting 130-145g a day and net only about 100-110 which is about 45%.