Binge eating

There are weeks that I do absolutely amazing, stick to my diet , workout every day, then I start losing weight ,and then sabotage all my hard work... I've come a long way from being 230lbz I know i should be proud , but there is just something that keeps me down , always feeling like it's not good enough ... I left to visit my mother this Past weekend an left weighing in at 189.7 I left overwhelmed with joy , an then came back extremely depressed weighed again at 196... finally down to 191 , with correcting my eating .. I guess I feel so depressed because I don't know why I can't just say no to food , it's like when I get around family or lose more I use it as an excuse to eat or so call it rewarding myself , in the end it doesn't feel like much of any kind of reward... anyone with a similar situation or journey.. this road is long an hard... and most times extremely lonely


  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    I am similiar. Everytime I get successfull and lose weight, once people start noticing I guess I panic or something, but I end up going off track and binge. I don't have a fix for you, but wanted to know youre not alone.
  • TEXaS_GAL89
    TEXaS_GAL89 Posts: 36 Member
    It's good to know I'm not alone , just wish I could have the willpower I once had ... thank you for your comment.. though ...i feel I might be on a downward spiral .. I might be going down a road I never thought I would , I believe I'm in the beginning stages of bulimia.... I'm pretty sure I have already self diagnosed... I am just reaching out anyway I can ... I've never been this person an over eating can make me feel extremely depressed and guilty...
  • TEXaS_GAL89
    TEXaS_GAL89 Posts: 36 Member
    I was not like this when I started this journey
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I will take a weekend and overeat. I did that last weekend. But Monday morning I was right back on track. I think that that's what maintenance is. If you can accept those special occasions, not binge but overeat a little but log it, you might find a balance. What you don't want to do is continue down your path. Overeat, but infrequently, and log it. No bulemia, just log it and own it. If you were 2000 calories over, then next time try for only 1000 calories over. And so on.
  • RunnerInTraining
    RunnerInTraining Posts: 51 Member
    I tend to self sabatage as well. I always start strong and fall off. Argh!!! Feel free to add me!
  • TEXaS_GAL89
    TEXaS_GAL89 Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you @fiddletime .... I really needed to hear that ... after I posted this I decided I was going to prepare my meals for the next 6 days ... that usually keeps me on track ,but your rite I need to own it when I do over eat an not beat myself up so bad ... I never thought this journey would be so hard ... but I'm still going an still trying , again thank you so very much! I am mu biggest critic, sometimes it's nice to hear from another #godbless