under calories - am i doing it wrong?

ive been doing MFP for just over 2 weeks now, and im consistently under calories. im under anywhere from 200-400. im not feeling hungry at all, so it didnt bother me (and it gave me the freedom to "splurge" if i needed to), but i know that the target is there for a reason. todays diary is messed up because of how i packed my food for work - so ignore the "breakfast for dinner" thing LOL

should i be TRYING to get to my calorie target every day? is being under every day okay? like i said, im not hungry, i eat every 3 hours (give or take). i lost 1lb this week, but im due to start my cycle tomorrow so im all bloaty.

any advice? or should i just relax and keep doing what im doing?


  • You seem to be pretty consistently below your caloric goal for the day. Are you used to having 1500+ calories per day and you're limiting yourself now, or did you previously intake more calories?
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    I'd say as long as you're eating at least 1200calories. You're good. Listen to your body and don't eat just cause u feel u have to.
  • myfriendamy
    myfriendamy Posts: 131 Member
    no, I was eating considerably more. I tracked an average "before" day and it was over 2,500. I obviously wasn't making good food choices :( lots of fast food and sweets

    that's why I've been surprised. I'm eating more fiber and more often - but I feel like I SHOULD be hungry, but I'm not.

    I don't want to be doing more harm than good by eating less.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    If its working, then stay the course.. and if at any point it doesn't work, then you can switch it up.

    I personally always try to leave a little bit of a gap to account for logging errors and so far that hasn't harmed me.
  • K! Well I think that as long as you're over/at 1,200 calories per day you'll be fine, and you've been great with from what I can tell. Just don't go below that or your body may go into famine mode and hold everything in. At that point losing weight will seem impossible. :( So keep on doin' what you're doin'. if you're not hungry, don't eat, and if you are hungry, eat slowly until you're full. Easy! :)
  • dhill_84
    dhill_84 Posts: 67 Member
    Everybodys body is different, I would stick to what your doing and adjust if you dont get results. Dropping how much you eat can send your body into shock and it will think your straving it, so it stores the food. Give it a little time before you start playing. You will find whats right for you.

    Good luck!
  • I normaly have between 800 to 1000 extra cal a day. its ok to be under as long as you take in atleast 1/2, of what you have, i think I was told!
  • myfriendamy
    myfriendamy Posts: 131 Member
    ah ha - I changed it to 2lb a week, and it kicked my calories down to about what I've been eating. I think that may be more reasonable... I'll see how that goes for a week or so.