Am I doing Something Wrong? /Nochange

Belasta Posts: 12 Member
edited September 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
Im a sadly over 17st girl who has decided to turn her life around after my mum died recently. From the discovery of the cancer in January, to having to cancel our original wedding in Italy in July and making a full wedding at home in 2 months Then my mum passed away the month after, I sadly gained a few stone looking after her and generally not giving a damn about my weight. I do have a thyroid condition (underactive) but I'm fed up blaming that for why I can't lose weight.

I am on a 1400 calorie allowance which I stick to pretty well (the odd time I will be 15-1600)
I am keeping away from as many unhealthy snacks as I can/often not having any at all.
My meals consist of mostly healthy of filling things and I rarely feel peckish inbetween, if I do snack it's because I'm bored in work but still within my allowance.

I go to the gym and do BodyPump on a Monday and Spin Class on a Thursday and on the non class days, I try to go to the gym after work for even half an hour or so for a quick workout and I also try to hit my 10k steps a day.

But the past 2 weeks, there has been no change in my weight.
I've reversed everything I used to do to make me fat and now it's a bit disheartening not to see any changes. I am not even feeling any changes in my clothes.
Am I not doing enough? I don't think I can handle cutting my calories even more - sadly I'm a big girl for now.
I am unable to be active in my job as it is a desk job and probebly rack up about 2-3k steps during it.

I am unable to get a personal fitness plan ATM as my local gym is closing for a few months for maintenance and they aren't issuing them until they come back so I will have to go to the next local gym for my quick workouts.

Can anyone guide me if I'm doing something wrong please?


  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I am very sorry for the loss of your mum. That's rough.

    Firstly, weight loss is not linear, you can stick to your calorie allowance like glue, and sometimes the scale will just stay put for a bit. Often this is water weight masking fat loss, and the scale will drop once the fluid retention goes. Possible reasons for water retention include (but are not limited to): high sodium intake, ovulation and/or PMS, changes or increases in exercise (so doing a new type of exercise, increasing the length or intensity of your workout).

    How are you tracking your calories? Are you weighing your food? Often when people aren't weighing, they can underestimate their calorie intake.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Is your workout regime new? Water weight can be a normal occurrence when you start exercising, and may mask weight loss.

    How do you determine your intake? Are you weighing all solids, measuring all liquids and using accurate database entries?
  • Belasta
    Belasta Posts: 12 Member
    I weigh everything loose and any bought items such as salad pots or packets I scan using the MFP barcode scanner.
    The classes are fairly new, I started with 1 class in August and slowly built up to 2-3 classes a week and now putting in the gym during my quiet days - I have practically went from just walking 5-10k steps to working out every day or two so I guess it has been quite a shift over the past couple of months but I wasn't aware of water weight or other elements which might cause some holdbacks.

    My calorie allowance was sitting at 1600 (1 off night a week for a random dinner without worrying about ingredients) and now I've brought it down to 1400 over the past 2-3 weeks.

    It's just feeling tough putting in work and not seeing any movement whereas when I did Slimming world with no exercise I was dropping a lb or two every week (it worked but I didn't feel like I was earning the loss....if you know what I mean)

    Thanks for all the comments and messages, I'm just glad I've not been doing anything silly which might have been hampering progress. X
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited September 2017
    I would stop scanning and start weighing everything - the barcode scanner is not overly accurate from my experience, with dodgy info, or the food may not match the info if the info is correct.

    Also be patient - if you're in a deficit, you will lose! Perhaps take photos and measurements too