Weight loss with being hypothyriodism

Does anyone have any advice on what I can do for weight loss? I was recently diagnosed with severe hypothyroidism, and the Dr says this is the reason I have not lost much weight since having my daughter 20 months ago. I work out 2 times a day and eat no more then 1500 cal... I could use all the advice I can get. Thanks!



  • jatcat310
    jatcat310 Posts: 63
    Being hypo is HARD!!! I was diagnosed 4 years after I had my daughter, she will be 12 in November. I felt like it was a sentence to be fat and just keep getting fat. So I gave up, I didn't care what I ate, why bother I can't lose the weight any way right - SO WRONG!!! I learned that being hypothyroid made me have severe food sensitivities...GLUTEN the main culprit! I have finally pushed myself and have been GF and no sugar for 2 weeks, I feel great and LOST 5 pounds in a week....I felt like crap I admit, nutritionist said it was carb and sugar withdrawal but now I have so much energy.

    There is hope, you just have to tweak you diet, get rid of all the bad stuff you can, see if diary is a problem, see if gluten is a problem, sugar....you will feel a difference and then you may have a weight loss. I know how it is and know how you feel but don't give up, I genuinely believe food sensitivities are what keep the weight on, but that is IMHO. If you want to talk you can message me if you want.....Chin up!!! and big hugs.
  • mbmast
    mbmast Posts: 7 Member
    Ditto to "Being Hypo is HARD!" I am as well, have been for close to 7 yrs now. I to didn't care and thought what was the point. It wasn't until I found out that I have insulin resistance that I started careing.
    There is a good website with lots of information. Foods recommended, medicine reviews, etc.
    Just look up Thyroid.
    I am eating smaller portions, watching my carbs and surgars, and trying to find the energy to excercise. That is the biggest challenge for me. I have no energy. Every person that has Thyroid issues is different. You have to find what works for you.
    Soy is a big problem for me. I really have to read ingredient labels. It's a pain, a little extra work, but I am finding it's worth it. I started back in Feb and my weight loss is almost up to 40 lbs!
    The hardest is dinner. I have a 4 & soon to be 6 yr old. I like cooking low carb but have to look for ways for the kids to get the carbs that they need.

    Good Luck!
  • ziggy67
    ziggy67 Posts: 351
    Since I was diagnosed as hypothyroid in 2008 and put on levothyroxine hormone tablets I have lost nearly four stone to date. (I put on three stone very quickly in my late forties and my Doctor initially put it down to my age and being menopausal!) It wasn't till they found out by accident when I was being tested for extreme fatigue that I finally found the answer to my problems. It is harder for us hypo's to lose weight and I found it best to go for a slow steady approach. If you continue to watch your calories and up your exercise you should lose, even if it is only 1lb a week..it all adds up very quickly over a few months. Type in hypothyroid in the search box on the message board and you will find lots of previous threads on this subject that should help you. Good Luck.
  • hazeal1
    hazeal1 Posts: 3

    Yes this does help. I was very frustrated and did not understand what was going on. Before I got pregnant, I was able to drop weight very fast.


  • I'm right there with you. Hypothyroidism sucks! I am also on a gluten free diet. I am going to work out 5 times a week and watch my carb intake. I have gained a lot of weight this year and I want to get it off. I've tried boot camp, the 'pregnancy hormone' diet. Now I'm ready to feel better and gain energy!!!! Good luck to all of you!
  • I'm right there with you. Hypothyroidism sucks! I am also on a gluten free diet. I am going to work out 5 times a week and watch my carb intake. I have gained a lot of weight this year and I want to get it off. I've tried boot camp, the 'pregnancy hormone' diet. Now I'm ready to feel better and gain energy!!!! Good luck to all of you!
  • Violin11
    Violin11 Posts: 44 Member
    I was diagnosed a couple weeks ago and I'm trying to find as much info as possible. Why is it that carbs or even gluten have such a big impact? Is it a matter of blood sugar or something else?
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    The best advice I can give you is to get your blood tested regularly and make sure you're on the right dosage of hormone.

    When I start feeling sluggish, I call my doctor and ask for a test. The nurses like to joke that it's fun to nap on the weekends, but they have no idea. When you nap all weekend, every weekend, it's not fun, because your whole life is slipping away, and you never feel refreshed after a nap or a meal.

    So, even though I still have a few months left of refills and the nurse says naps are fun, I insist on a test. A test can't hurt, and I'm more than willing to pay for it.

    Then, sure enough, the test comes back hypo, I get a new dosage, and suddenly I feel awesome and I can accomplish anything.

    Whatever you do, stand up for yourself at your appointments, and learn as much as you can about lab results.
  • hazeal1
    hazeal1 Posts: 3
    Thank you! I have to go back in for more tests on 2 weeks to see if the levels are ok. However, I am always tired. Initially I figured it was because my daughter is cutting her molars and is up a lot at night. But my husband has been getting up with her and I feel like a slug still. Even the coffee kick doesnt work much anymore.