Weight Loss Surgery

Has anyone here had weight loss surgery (specifically banding) to help aid you in your journey?

Was the road extremely difficult?

What made it worthwhile?

Would you do it again if you knew what you know now?

I have a consultation on Monday with a weight loss surgeon..I'm looking into the Realize band...though advice from any type of weight loss surgery is welcomed! Anything else you think I should know before making this decision??

Thanks in advance!


  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    My brother in law and sister in law both had the gastric by pass done. They both had problems with their new stomatchs afterwards. They got pretty sick. Like anything else, its a LIFESTLYE change that has to be made in order to keep any weight off long term. Best of luck in whatever you decide.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I had gastric bypass on February 7, 2011. I am doing great. You do have to be willing to change your lifestyle. I follow everything the doctors told me to do. It has been worth to for me.
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    My sister in law has lost a lot of weight. Over 100lbs so far. That's just fixing her eating habits. I have a friend that did one of the surgeries and has just had problem after problem with it. She was even hospitalized at one point and threatened another to be. I think all natural and to make a lifestyle change is the way I would go. My sister in law is doing amazing and feels amazing and is still losing the weight.
  • Half_of_Bri
    Half_of_Bri Posts: 45 Member
    My sister in law has lost a lot of weight. Over 100lbs so far. That's just fixing her eating habits. I have a friend that did one of the surgeries and has just had problem after problem with it. She was even hospitalized at one point and threatened another to be. I think all natural and to make a lifestyle change is the way I would go. My sister in law is doing amazing and feels amazing and is still losing the weight.

    I appreciate your concern considering your friend's problems with surgery. I have been trying to loose weight on my own for 9 years, unsuccessfully, and that is how I came to my decision about weight loss surgery.
  • cmkocher
    I had the sleeve done on 1/24/11. I have had no complications and I am glad that I had it. Right now I am trugglng with my carb intake which slows down my weight loss. So I am tracking everything. I have about 15 more pounds to lose to get to my goal and I would really like to get there.
  • blueroses_78
    "I'm looking into the Realize band"

    I got mine July 11, 2011. I'm doing very well. The first 6 days post op were the worst. I'm due for my first fill (8/9/11) and I am definitely looking forward to it.

    I have been trying to lose weight since 2006. I had a big bout of depression when I got married the first time, and gained a LOT of weight. Then I got pregnant. Gained more weight. Filed for divorce. Gained more weight. Got remarried to a great guy. Didn't gain weight. Got pregnant again. LOST weight, then after my youngest was born, gained a LOT. Nothing worked. I was in too much pain to do much of anything physical. I was still doing it, walking, Zumba, etc. Nothing was coming off. I had the band and have lost around 20 lbs since my first appt back in March. I get to restart my Zumba class tonight, with the understanding that I take it easier than I used to. I ride a stationary bike and play Angry Birds. I get so into killing those piggies that I don't notice how long I ride.

    It's definitely NOT easy. Don't let anyone tell you that it is. It's painful at first. You have to go back for fills. No more soda - ever (it stretches out the pouch and you feel super bad afterwards - so I've heard from other people who made that mistake). It's not a magic way out. You have to see a dietitian, even have a psych evaluation. My bariatric practice has a nurse on call 24/7 for help if you need it (or even just to talk). I am SUPER aware of what I eat now, and I wasn't before. I don't want to have gone through pain for nothing. If nothing else, THAT is a great motivator.

    If you want to talk more, just friend me and I'll gladly tell you everything in a message or wall post or whatever :)