Any 30DS Cheaters?

I've been doing the 30 Day Shred on and off for about 2 months now. I don't do the workout every day for 30 days in a row like you are supposed to, nor do I do levels 1-3 in order. I just pick which workout I feel like doing on any particular day. I also do not do all the workout moves exactly as they are shown on the DVD. Especially in level 2, where there are a lot of plank exercises. These hurt my elbows and neck and instead I do a similar move that is less stressful on my elbows/neck.
I have noticed some success with my "cheat" method, especially in my leg strength and endurance. I've also lost weight.
Anyone else out there also "cheat" on the 30 Day Shred or do you all do it exactly as you are supposed to?
Anyone have success with their method of cheating?


  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I skipped days that I never made up for and still lost 15 inches. Totally with you on those elbow planks..I had rug burn on my elbows! Not cool!
  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    I had started out doing 30DS like you are suppose to but I have changed to "cheating" as well. I do what I feel like doing on any particular day. I haven't done level 3 at all yet but that is on my to do list for next week. I get bored easily so doing the same thing every day was getting to me but I do enjoy the workouts!
  • fireflyangel22
    fireflyangel22 Posts: 85 Member
    Just did level 3 for the first time tonight. Loving it! (but I'm sure I'll be bored with that too before long...)