(starting again)

Hey guys! I was doing so well up until 4 months ago.. I'd lost some 40lbs and I ended up putting it all back. :( I'm back at my original starting point and it feels awful. I'm ready to lose this weight though once and for all!

I'm playing around with Intermittent Fasting, but I stick to 1200 a day (i'm 5'2"). I'm about to join a gym, but I mostly do a lot of walking thanks to college.

I would really enjoy adding supportive and motivational people, as a lot of my friends seem to have deleted me from their list (can't blame them, 4 months of inactivity!). :)


  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    I feel ya, I tend to spiral back out of control whenever I am lonely which tends to happen frequently as I get older. And it's not just a day or two, these are months of moping and feeling sorry for myself. Then I pick myself up, dust me off, and start all over again.

    Good Luck!
  • mlm7281
    mlm7281 Posts: 37 Member
    Feel free to add me :). I've been trying for over a year and just started again couple of weeks on MFP, and discovered this community. I have 35lbs to lose, I'm doing IF (15/9) and have 1200cals.
  • Iwilldo198
    Iwilldo198 Posts: 19 Member
    I used to do weight watchers but I am sick of paying the money and trying to fit the meeting into a already tight schedule. I am all about having a support group
  • ctknurse
    ctknurse Posts: 1 Member
    I hear ya. I just got back from vacation and I weigh more than I ever had, except when I was pregnant. I now have 20 pounds to lose to be comfortable again. My work schedule frequently requires I skip a meal to keep from getting behind. Then I'm REALLY hungry when I finally have time to eat. :(
  • mumbles2013
    mumbles2013 Posts: 289 Member
    Add me guys xx I'm 41lbs away from goal with a loss of 57 so far.
  • NicoleVT83
    NicoleVT83 Posts: 67 Member
    edited October 2017
    Ugh I feel the pain, I worked hard for a little over a year to lose 101 pounds. Then over the summer I purchased a house and went on 2 vacations. I've gained a little over 20 of those pounds back. But enough is enough back on track now!
  • amyniceneasy
    amyniceneasy Posts: 143 Member
    edited October 2017
    I've just "checked-in" and have found that after a couple of years of up and down I'm now back up 30 lbs. I NEED to get this weight back off. I feel physically awful...as well as mentally awful. I knew when I got the weight off that the only way to keep it off would be to track forever and I've now proved it. I just want to be normal and not have to think about every morsel of food that goes into my mouth but that's just not in the cards for me. I'm always going to have to think about food.
  • AnshulVe
    AnshulVe Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2017
    Flexible dieting is the key...... Add me if u want some help
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Make sure you aren't over restricting. Most people hit a wall because they are eating too little, cutting out their fave foods, starting new exercise all at once.

    Set a reasonable weekly goal, find ways to fit in foods you love, make small changes little by little, and shake off bad days and keep going (because everyone has days they blow it). Good luck!