Hit the weight loss plateau....argh

HI all. After losing 50 lbs in 5 months I have hit the wall. I've gained 2 lbs the last 2 weeks and can't seem to get my weight loss jump started. I admit some of my food choices have been not the best lately but I have been hitting the gym 5 days a week. I have read some places that your body will adjust to your weight loss and you should actually eat more calories to loss the weight. I am also changing up my workout routine to be more interval based overall. I used to do 20 minutes doing intervals on the treadmill then 30 minutes lifting weights on the machines. I have switched to 15 minutes on either the treadmill or exercise bike to start then lifting but using lighter weights with more reps..then finishing up with 10 minutes on the arc trainer or elliptical. If anyone has any other ideas please feel free to shout them out to me. My original goal was 100 lbs in 10 months but I think more realistically I will try for 100 in 12 months. On a side not, my wife has lost 20 lbs and basically does 45 to 50 minutes on the arc trainer burning 600 to 700 calories at a shot. I just can't do that long on any one machine..get too bored with it.


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    They say you should do weights first and then do cardio. Also, I would try upping your calories - I know every time I have upped mine, I have lost weight. I eat a ton of calories and I maintain 145lbs. :) Have to eat to lose!
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    Look into zig zagging if you haven't done this. It always helps me get over a plateau.
  • luminescence
    luminescence Posts: 21 Member
    Don't forget to eat your exercise calories!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Hi, congrats on your weight loss; that is fantastic!

    It is true, once you become very active and have lost a good deal of fat while developing greater muscle mass, the time comes when you plateau or even gain from . . . not eating enough. It is bizarre and counter-intuitive, but here you are, and the good news is, you're fit and that means you get to eat more while losing! woot woot!

    Check out this fantastic thread for a straightforward explanation on eating exercise calories:


    good luck!

  • frugalmomsrock
    Yeah... congrats and good luck!

    I've hit my wall too, and even though I upped my calories-A LOT-I am gaining weight. Sometimes eating more means gaining more, too... so I hope you have better luck than me...
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    They say you should do weights first and then do cardio.

    I have heard people say that, but it doesn't make sense to me. I have taught back to back classes for years and I prefer to do cardio first so I am warm prior to doing weights. If you visit a trainer they will always have you warm up 15-20 min cardio prior to starting strength workouts.

  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    They say you should do weights first and then do cardio.

    I have heard people say that, but it doesn't make sense to me. I have taught back to back classes for years and I prefer to do cardio first so I am warm prior to doing weights. If you visit a trainer they will always have you warm up 15-20 min cardio prior to starting strength workouts.


    You can warm up and do 10-15 mins of cardio . But, they say you should do weights before cardio (something about using the glycogen (sp?) stores so when you do cardio you're burning fat). I've found that when I do cardio and then weights my muscles are so fatigued that I can't do much weight on machines. But, when I do weights and then cardio? I do just fine.
  • skinnylittlestylist
    Hey DaBowler... dude I am in kinda the same boat but just got some great tips... I am upping my water in take and I am doing some very slow walking (almost like tight rope walking) for an hour on the treadmill....I've been told this will make me engage the smaller muscles that support the larger muscles and really rev up the metabolism without getting the heart rate to high to shed fat... I'm gonna give it a whirl for a week and report back to ya! Good luck! Hope this helps... hang tight
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    They say you should do weights first and then do cardio.

    I have heard people say that, but it doesn't make sense to me. I have taught back to back classes for years and I prefer to do cardio first so I am warm prior to doing weights. If you visit a trainer they will always have you warm up 15-20 min cardio prior to starting strength workouts.


    You can warm up and do 10-15 mins of cardio . But, they say you should do weights before cardio (something about using the glycogen (sp?) stores so when you do cardio you're burning fat). I've found that when I do cardio and then weights my muscles are so fatigued that I can't do much weight on machines. But, when I do weights and then cardio? I do just fine.

    well thanks for that explanation; I have never known why. Hmmm. I guess I have never really done weights first, so I can't compare. i just always was scheduled for group strength after spin so I did it that way and got used to it I guess.