1 pound a week & 60 min a day workout (CLOSED)



  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    25th July FIRST DAY : 169 lbs
    1st August : 167.8 lbs
    8th August
    15th August
    22nd August FINAL DAY

    Down 1.2 pounds.

    I did another 75 minute walk last night & then my 60 minute plyo class this morning
  • lval82
    lval82 Posts: 21 Member
    It's so hard for me to get on here on the weekends (I update my food through my phone, though!). I did my 60 minutes 4 out of 7 days, so not great. We also had a potluck at work on Friday followed by a going away dinner celebration for a friend. Friday was very bad.

    However, I did lose 1 lb! Looking forward to doing better overall this week.

    Everyone's doing so great! Keep it up!

  • lval82
    lval82 Posts: 21 Member

    If you need support, feel free to add me as a friend!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    July 25: 156.6 lbs
    Aug 1: 157.8 lbs

    A gain! Ugh. I knew I did bad over the weekend but come on. My weight just does not seem to want to hit 155 and I've been at it for a month! So frustrating. Anyway... off to eat breakfast and hit the gym. New week. Hoping to lose a bit more than a lb now. Too bad my mom did the grocery shopping so it was not that great.

  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    25th July - 219
    1st August - 220
    8th August
    15th August
    22nd August FINAL DAY

    Gained a pound! But I kinda earned that one. We went to Louisville over the weekend. I hade a great time, but wasn't too smart with the food and drink choices. I am going to try to lose 2lbs this week to make up for it.
  • vjhanson5
    vjhanson5 Posts: 42 Member
    Well I lost my pound but still disappointed that it wasn't more....really hoping to get out of the 160's and into the 150's. Just have to try harder this week to step over that line!

    Week 1: 162
    Week 2: 161

    Morning workout was 30 minutes on the elliptical and an ab workout, will walk for 40 minutes at lunch....we'll see how the evening goes if I can get some biking in...

    Good job this week eveyone!
  • smahaney1
    smahaney1 Posts: 27 Member
    Stayed the same which I guess is better that gaining. I'm doing great with exercising. It's my eating :(

    July 25th: 186
    August 1: 186
  • acarter86
    acarter86 Posts: 34 Member
    So I didn't keep up with my food intake as well as I should have this weekend. But I did get in some exercise (swimming and dancing)! My weight stayed the same :( but that is better than gaining. Im hoping to do better this week. I think if I could just work in more exercise I would lose a little more because I usually stay within my calorie goal.
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    AWESOME WEEK FOR ME - Down 3.2 pounds!!!! But I think I was up quite a bit on the 25th from the weekend. I really tried hard this weekend. We'll see what the rest of the challenge holds...

    25th July FIRST DAY : 220.5 lbs
    1st August : 217.3 lbs
    8th August
    15th August
    22nd August FINAL DAY
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Did really well today!! Got about 90 minutes in and ate pretty well. Hopefully I can keep it up! I really want to see a loss this week!

  • Not sure if I lost, but, I did have a 60 min workout including elliptical, treadmill and walking. I reallllyyy need to work on my food choices. Excersizing isn't always my problem. I will focus a little more on that this week. :smile:
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    60 minutes Kosama upper body class. I am sore. My arms feel like jello. Not sure how I am gonna make it thru today. I do in home daycare & that's a lot of lifting little kids all day :o(
  • aLatz13
    aLatz13 Posts: 60 Member
    July 25th: 133lbs
    Aug 2nd: 135lbs

    I had a gain, which is frustrating because I worked out every day except Sunday and yesterday, and was right around my calorie goal for the most part (saturday I was actually way under)... I'm going to try not to get too down about it, I hear it's normal to gain a few pounds during TOM anyway, right?
  • niebla
    niebla Posts: 71
    July 25th: 133lbs
    Aug 2nd: 135lbs

    I had a gain, which is frustrating because I worked out every day except Sunday and yesterday, and was right around my calorie goal for the most part (saturday I was actually way under)... I'm going to try not to get too down about it, I hear it's normal to gain a few pounds during TOM anyway, right?

    Yes, I've read most women gain 1-4 pounds when Tom is visiting. Just keep it up and you'll see the results next Monday!
  • Evercia
    Evercia Posts: 13
    Oops Sorry guys I'm a day late. I did weigh myself yesterday but never posted it last night. I too had a frustrating gain of 2 lbs. Hopefully by next week I'll be back down.

    July 25: 213
    August 2: 215

    Here's to being good this week. :)

    Also, some days I go under my calorie goal which is exacerbated when I exercise. Am I supposed to try and eat all my calories or just stick to what I'm eating and hope the calorie deficit converts into weight loss? Is there a minimum amount I'm supposed to be eating? Feel free to look at my diary I'm pretty good about using it (except last weekend oof).
  • NicLiving
    NicLiving Posts: 261 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    It's MONDAY, so it's weigh in day!

    My starting weight for 7/25 is......211.5 lbs.
    Plus the weather in Michigan has finally cool'd down a bit so I hope to get outside at lunch.

    Well week 1 started off great, but I blow it thanks to a three day weekend!
    Lots of bbq & beer :drinker:
    So my weight for week one 8/1 is 212.5!!!!
    I'm actually surprised that it's only 1 lb. gain, but still a little disappointed.
    I had a really good workout Monday & plan to go hard today. :wink:
  • NicLiving
    NicLiving Posts: 261 Member
    I reallllyyy need to work on my food choices. Excersizing isn't always my problem. I will focus a little more on that this week. :smile:

    Me too! I can never seem to stay within my calories for the day. Do you deduct your exercise calories? I like to add my food first them my exercise to see if I'm staying within my calories. Honestly I don't think 1,200 is enough but the whole point of it all is to have a deficit right...smh & lol at myself.
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    got another 48 minute walk in tonight... now off to bed. I am a walking zombie, hope I can actually sleep. How can I be soooooo tired but not sleep. it's been several nights with poor sleep. PLEASE let me get some shut eye
  • niebla
    niebla Posts: 71
    Dear Evercia and NicLiving: About the calorie deficit, yes, you are supposed to eat all your exercise calories back. I eat most of them, maybe leaving 100-200 or so just in case I made a mistake logging. I am losing weight this way. Evercia, you seem to leave a lot of calories some days. That might be a problem because you are not eating enough. There are a lot of posts on the forums about this. People seem to gain weight if they eat too little. Feel free to have a look at my diaries.

    My exercise the Monday:

    Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog 25min 94cal
    Mild stretching 12min 34 cal
    Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog 30min 112 cal
    Kickboxing (including Turbo Jam) 45min 516 cal
    Walking, 3.5 mph, uphill 10min 68cal
    Gardening, general 10min 46 cal

    Daily Total 132 min 870 cal


    Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog 27min 101cal
    Kickboxing (including Turbo Jam) 45min 516 cal
    Mild stretching 12min 34 cal
    Gardening, general 37min 168 cal
    Running (jogging), 6 mph (10 min mile) 15min 170 cal

    Daily Total 136 min 989 cal

    Have a great Wednesday!!! Keep up the exercise!!!
  • Evercia
    Evercia Posts: 13
    Thanks Niebla! Yes, I was worried I was eating to little and that this might hamper my weight loss. I did a little research yesterday and, taking your exercise calories into account, you need between 1200-1500 calories a day. So... I redesigned my breakfasts and work lunches to include more calories to make sure I get up to that mark. If I exercise I need to make sure to note where my calories are and add accordingly. Hopefully eating more during the day will make me less cranky when I get home!

    Hope Everyone's week is going well!
